Zeitschriftenartikel (3613)

Adolph, S.; Poulet, S. A.; Pohnert, G.: Synthesis and biological activity of alpha,beta,gamma,delta- unsaturated aldehydes from diatoms. Tetrahedron 59 (17), S. 3003 - 3008 (2003)
Andersson, S.: Foraging responses in the butterflies Inachis io, Aglais urticae (Nymphalidae), and Gonepteryx rhamni (Pieridae) to floral scents. Chemoecology 13 (1), S. 1 - 11 (2003)
Andersson, S.: Antennal responses to floral scents in the butterflies Inachis io, Aglais urticae (Nymphalidae), and Gonepteryx rhamni (Pieridae). Chemoecology 13 (1), S. 13 - 20 (2003)
Andersson, S.; Dobson, H. E. M.: Behavioral foraging responses by the butterfly Heliconius melpomene to Lantana camara floral scent. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (10), S. 2303 - 2318 (2003)
Andersson, S.; Dobson, H. E. M.: Antennal responses to floral scents in the butterfly Heliconius melpomene. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (10), S. 2319 - 2330 (2003)
Antonchik, A. P.; Schneider, B.; Zhabinskii, V. N.; Konstantinova, O. V.; Khripach, V. A.: Biosynthesis of 2,3-epoxybrassinosteroids in seedlings of Secale cereale. Phytochemistry 63 (7), S. 771 - 776 (2003)
Baldwin, I. T.: "Curing" of Nicotiana attenuata leaves by small mammals does not decrease nicotine contents. Western North American Naturalist 63 (1), S. 114 - 117 (2003)
Baldwin, I. T.: Finally, proof of weapons of mass destruction. Science Signaling 2003 (203), pe42 (2003)
Baranovsky, A.; Schmitt, B.; Fowler, D. J.; Schneider, B.: Synthesis of new biosynthetically important diarylheptanoids and their oxa- and fluoro-analogues by three different strategies. Synthetic Communications 33 (6), S. 1019 - 1045 (2003)
Bartram, S.; Boland, W.: The arduous way to the egg: Follow the nose. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 42 (39), S. 4729 - 4731 (2003)
Bartram, S.; Boland, W.: Der beschwerliche Weg zum Ei: immer der Nase nach. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 115 (39), S. 4877 - 4879 (2003)
Beckmann, C.; Rattke, J.; Sperling, P.; Heinz, E.; Boland, W.: Stereochemistry of a bifunctional dihydroceramide delta(4)-desaturase/hydroxylase from Candida albicans; a key enzyme of sphingolipid metabolism. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 1 (14), S. 2448 - 2454 (2003)
Brown, P. D.; Tokuhisa, J. G.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.: Variation of glucosinolate accumulation among different organs and developmental stages of Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry 62 (3), S. 471 - 481 (2003)
Chen, F.; D'Auria, J.; Tholl, D.; Ross, J. R.; Gershenzon, J.; Noel, J. P.; Pichersky, E.: An Arabidopsis thaliana gene for methylsalicylate biosynthesis, identified by a biochemical genomics approach, has a role in defense. The Plant Journal 36 (5), S. 577 - 588 (2003)
Chen, F.; Tholl, D.; D'Auria, J.; Farooq, A.; Pichersky, E.; Gershenzon, J.: Biosynthesis and emission of terpenoid volatiles from Arabidopsis flowers. The Plant Cell 15 (2), S. 481 - 494 (2003)
Clauss, M. J.; Mitchell-Olds, T.: Population genetics of tandem trypsin inhibitor genes in Arabidopsis species with contrasting ecology and life history. Molecular Ecology 12 (5), S. 1287 - 1299 (2003)
Cvacka, J.; Svatos, A.: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization analysis of lipids and high molecular weight hydrocarbons with lithium 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate matrix. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (19), S. 2203 - 2207 (2003)
Dam, V.; Baldwin, I. T.: Heritability of a quantitative and qualitative protease inhibitor polymorphism in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Biology 5 (2), S. 179 - 185 (2003)
De Meaux, J.; Mitchell-Olds, T.: Evolution of plant resistance at the molecular level: Ecological context of species interactions. Heredity 91, S. 345 - 352 (2003)
Degenhardt, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Baldwin, I. T.; Kessler, A.: Attracting friends to feast on foes: engineering terpene emission to make crop plants more attractive to herbivore enemies. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 14 (2), S. 169 - 176 (2003)
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