
Zeitschriftenartikel (173)

Allmann, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Insects betray themselves in nature to predators by rapid isomerization of green leaf volatiles. Science 329, S. 1075 - 1078 (2010)
Allmann, S.; Halitschke, R.; Schuurink, R. C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Oxylipin channelling in Nicotiana attenuata: Lipoxygenase 2 supplies substrates for green leaf volatile production. Plant, Cell and Environment 33 (12), S. 2028 - 2040 (2010)
Ament, K.; Krasikov, V.; Allmann, S.; Rep, M.; Takken, F. L.W.; Schuurink, R. C.: Methyl salicylate production in tomato affects biotic interactions. The Plant Journal 62 (1), S. 124 - 134 (2010)
Anssour, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Variation in antiherbivore defense responses in synthetic Nicotiana allopolyploids correlates with changes in uniparental patterns of gene expression. Plant Physiology 153 (4), S. 1907 - 1918 (2010)
Arensburger, P.; Megy, K.; Waterhouse, R. M.; Abrudan, J.; Amedeo, P.; Antelo, B.; Bartholomay, L.; Bidwell, S.; Caler, E.; Camara, F. et al.; Campbell, C. L.; Campbell, K. S.; Casola, C.; Castro, M. T.; Chandramouliswaran, I.; Chapman, S. B.; Christley, S.; Costas, J.; Eisenstadt, E.; Feshotte, C.; Fraser-Liggett, C.; Guigo, R.; Haas, B.; Hammond, M.; Hansson, B.; Hemingway, J.; Hill, S.; Howarth, C.; Ignell, R.; Kennedy, R. C.; Kodira, C. D.; Lobo, N. F.; Mao, C.; Mayhew, G.; Michel, K.; Mori, A.; Liu, N.; Naveira, H.; Nene, V.; Nguyen, N.; Pearson, M. D.; Pritham, E. J.; Puiu, D.; Qi, Y.; Ranson, H.; Ribeiro, J. M. C.; Roberston, H. M.; Severson, D. W.; Shumway, M.; Stanke, M.; Strausberg, R.; Sun, C.; Sutton, G.; Tu, Z.; Tubio, J. M. C.; Unger, M. F.; Vanlandingham, D. L.; Vilella, A. J.; White, O.; White, J. R.; Wondji, C. S.; Wortman, J.; Zdobnov, E. M.; Birren, B.; Christensen, B. M.; Collins, F. H.; Cornel, A.; Dimopoulos, G.; Hannick, L. I.; Higgs, S.; Lanzaro, G. C.; Lawson, D.; Lee, N. H.; Muskavitch, M. A. T.; Raikhel, A. S.; Atkinson, P. W.: Sequencing of Culex quinquefasciatus establishes a platform for mosquito comparative genomics. Science 330, S. 86 - 88 (2010)
Asser-Kaiser, S.; Heckel, D. G.; Jehle, J. A.: Sex linkage of CpGV resistance in a heterogeneous field strain of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 103 (1), S. 59 - 64 (2010)
Badenes-Pérez, F. R.; Reichelt, M.; Heckel, D. G.: Can sulfur fertilisation improve the effectiveness of trap crops for diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)? Pest Management Science 66 (8), S. 832 - 838 (2010)
Baldwin, I. T.: Plant volatiles. Current Biology 20 (9), S. R392 - R397 (2010)
Bartsch, M.; Bednarek, P.; Vivancos, P. D.; Schneider, B.; von Röpenack-Lahaye, E.; Foyer, C.; Kombrink, E.; Scheel, D.; Parker, J. E.: Accumulation of isochorismate-derived 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic 3-O-β-D-xyloside in Arabidopsis resistance to pathogens and ageing of leaves. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 285, S. 25654 - 25665 (2010)
Baxter, S. W.; Chen, M.; Dawson, A.; Zhao, J.-Z.; Vogel, H.; Shelton, A. M.; Heckel, D. G.; Jiggins, C. D.: Mis-spliced transcripts of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor a6 are associated with field evolved spinosad resistance in Plutella xylostella (L.). PLoS Genetics 6, e1000802 (2010)
Becher, P. G.; Bengtsson, M.; Hansson, B.; Witzgall, P.: Flying the fly: Long-range flight behavior of Drosophila melanogaster to attractive odors. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36 (6), S. 599 - 607 (2010)
Bedon, F.; Bomal, C.; Caron, S.; Levasseur, C.; Boyle, B.; Mansfield, S. D.; Schmidt, A.; Gershenzon, J.; Grima-Pettenati, J.; Séguin, A. et al.; MacKay, J.: Subgroup 4 R2R3-MYBs in conifer trees: gene family expansion and contribution to the isoprenoid- and flavonoid-oriented responses. Journal of Experimental Botany 61 (14), S. 3847 - 3864 (2010)
Bengtsson, J. M.; Chinta, S. P.; Wolde-Hawariat, Y.; Getahun, M. N.; Seyoum, E.; Hansson, B.; Schlyter, F.; Schulz, S.; Hillbur, Y.: Pheromone-based mating and aggregation in the sorghum chafer, Pachnoda interrupta. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36 (7), S. 768 - 777 (2010)
Beyaert, I.; Wäschke, N.; Scholz, A.; Varama, M.; Reinecke, A.; Hilker, M.: Relevance of resource-indicating key volatiles and habitat odour for insect orientation. Animal Behaviour 79 (5), S. 1077 - 1086 (2010)
Bezzi, S.; Kessler, D.; Diezel, C.; Muck, A.; Anssour, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Silencing NaTPI expression increases nectar germin, nectarins and hydrogen peroxide levels and inhibits nectar removal from plants in nature. Plant Physiology 152 (4), S. 2232 - 2242 (2010)
Bhat, R.; Sell, S.; Wagner, R.; Zhang, J. T.; Changjiang, P.; Garipcan, B.; Boland, W.; Bossert, J.; Klemm, E.; Jandt, K. D.: The Janus-SAM approach for the flexible functionalization of gold and titanium oxide surfaces. Small 6 (3), S. 465 - 470 (2010)
Blanco, C. A.; Gould, F.; Groot, A. T.; Abel, C. A.; Hernandez, G.; Perera, O. P.; Teran-Vargas, A. P.: Offspring from sequential matings between Bacillus thuringiensis-resistant and Bacillus thuringiensis-susceptible Heliothis virescens moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 103 (3), S. 861 - 868 (2010)
Boddum, T.; Skals, N.; Hill, S. R.; Hansson, B.; Hillbur, Y.: Gall midge olfaction: Pheromone sensitive olfactory neurons in Contarinia nasturtii and Mayetiola destructor. Journal of Insect Physiology 56 (9), S. 1306 - 1314 (2010)
Boland, W.; Garms, S.: Induced volatiles of Medicago truncatula: molecular diversity and mechanistic aspects of a multiproduct sesquiterpene synthase from M. truncatula. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25, S. 114 - 116 (2010)
Bonaventure, G.; Baldwin, I. T.: New insights into the early biochemical activation of jasmonic acid biosynthesis in leaves. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5 (3), S. 287 - 289 (2010)
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