Zeitschriftenartikel (3613)

Steppuhn, A.; Wackers, F. L.: HPLC sugar analysis reveals the nutritional state and the feeding history of parasitoids. Functional Ecology 18 (6), S. 812 - 819 (2004)
Strauss, S. Y.; Irwin, R. E.; Lambrix, V. M.: Optimal defence theory and flower petal colour predict variation in the secondary chemistry of wild radish. Journal of Ecology 92 (1), S. 132 - 141 (2004)
Svatos, A.; Antonchik, A. P.; Schneider, B.: Determination of brassinosteroids in the sub-femtomolar range using dansyl-3-aminophenylboronate derivatization and electrospray mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18 (7), S. 816 - 821 (2004)
Szoke, E.; Maday, E.; Gershenzon, J.; Allen, J. L.; Lemberkovics, E.: beta-eudesmol, a new sesquiterpene component in intact and organized root of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita). Journal of Chromatographic Science 42 (5), S. 229 - 233 (2004)
Szoke, E.; Maday, E.; Gershenzon, J.; Lemberkovics, E.: Terpenoids in genetically transformed cultures of chamomile. Chromatographia 60 (Suppl S), S. S269 - S272 (2004)
Tan, J.-W.; Bednarek, P.; Liu, J.; Schneider, B.; Svatos, A.; Hahlbrock, K.: Universally occurring phenylpropanoid and species-specific indolic metabolites in infected and uninfected Arabidopsis thaliana roots and leaves. Phytochemistry 65 (6), S. 691 - 699 (2004)
Textor, S.; Bartram, S.; Kroymann, J.; Falk, K. L.; Hick, A.; Pickett, J. A.; Gershenzon, J.: Biosynthesis of methionine-derived glucosinolates in Arabidopsis thaliana: recombinant expression and characterization of methylthioalkylmalate synthase, the condensing enzyme of the chain-elongation cycle. Planta 218 (6), S. 1026 - 1035 (2004)
Tholl, D.; Kish, C. M.; Orlova, I.; Sherman, D.; Gershenzon, J.; Pichersky, E.; Dudareva, N.: Formation of monoterpenes in Antirrhinum majus and Clarkia breweri flowers involves heterodimeric geranyl diphosphate synthases. The Plant Cell 16 (4), S. 977 - 992 (2004)
van Dam, N.; Witjes, L.; Svatoš, A.: Interactions between aboveground and belowground induction of glucosinolates in two wild Brassica species. New Phytologist 161 (3), S. 801 - 810 (2004)
Voelckel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore-induced plant vaccination. Part II. Array-studies reveal the transience of herbivore-specific transcriptional imprints and a distinct imprint from stress combinations. The Plant Journal 38 (4), S. 650 - 663 (2004)
Voelckel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Generalist and specialist lepidopteran larvae elicit different transcriptional responses in Nicotiana attenuata, which correlate with larval FAC profiles. Ecology Letters 7 (9), S. 770 - 775 (2004)
Voelckel, C.; Weisser, W. W.; Baldwin, I. T.: An analysis of plant-aphid interactions by different microarray hybridization strategies. Molecular Ecology 13, S. 3187 - 3195 (2004)
von Dahl, C. C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Methyl jasmonate and cis-jasmone do not dispose of the herbivore-induced jasmonate burst in Nicotiana attenuata. Physiologia Plantarum 120 (3), S. 474 - 481 (2004)
Wichard, T.; Gobel, C.; Feussner, I.; Pohnert, G.: Unprecedented lipoxygenase/hydroperoxide lyase pathways in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44 (1), S. 158 - 161 (2004)
Wittstock, U.; Agerbirk, N.; Stauber, E. J.; Olsen, C. E.; Hippler, M.; Mitchell-Olds, T.; Gershenzon, J.; Vogel, H.: Successful herbivore attack due to metabolic diversion of a plant chemical defense. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (14), S. 4859 - 4864 (2004)
Wolfertz, M.; Sharkey, T. D.; Boland, W.; Kühnemann, F.: Rapid regulation of the methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway during isoprene synthesis. Plant Physiology 135 (4), S. 1939 - 1945 (2004)
Zavala, J. A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Fitness benefits of trypsin proteinase inhibitor expression in Nicotiana attenuata are greater than their costs when plants are attacked. BMC Ecology 4, S. 11 (2004)
Zavala, J. A.; Patankar, A. G.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Constitutive and inducible trypsin proteinase inhibitor production incurs large fitness costs in Nicotiana attenuata. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (6), S. 1607 - 1612 (2004)
Zavala, J. A.; Patankar, A. G.; Gase, K.; Hui, D. Q.; Baldwin, I. T.: Manipulation of endogenous trypsin proteinase inhibitor production in Nicotiana attenuata demonstrates their function as antiherbivore defenses. Plant Physiology 134 (3), S. 1181 - 1190 (2004)
Zeneli, G.; Dida, M.; Ducci, F.; Habili, D.: Silver fir (Abies alba) resources in Albania and their conservation. Forest Genetic Resources 31, S. 44 - 49 (2004)
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