Publikationen von Arjen van Doorn
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
16 (6), S. 294 - 299 (2011)
Herbivore associated elicitors: FAC signaling and metabolism. Trends in Plant Science
34, S. 2159 - 2171 (2011)
JA-Ile signaling in Solanum nigrum is not required for defense responses in nature. Plant, Cell and Environment
190 (3), S. 640 - 652 (2011)
Regulation of jasmonate metabolism and activation of systemic signaling in Solanum nigrum: COI1 and AR4 play overlapping yet distinct roles. New Phytologist 2010
5 (12), S. 1674 - 1676 (2010)
Lipoxygenase-mediated modification of insect elicitors: Generating chemical diversity on the leaf wound surface. Plant Signaling & Behavior
10, S. 164 (2010)
Rapid modification of the insect elicitor N-linolenoyl-glutamate via a lipoxygenase-mediated mechanism on Nicotiana attenuata leaves. BMC Plant Biology Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Signaling after the first bite: the role of insect elicitor and jasmonic acid metabolism in shaping plant-insect interactions. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2011)