Publikationen von Jianqiang Wu
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Zeitschriftenartikel (28)
14, 326 (2014)
Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates are essential for systemic activation of salicylic acid-induced protein kinase and accumulation of jasmonic acid in Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology
22, S. 157 - 164 (2014)
MAPK signaling - a key element in plant defense response to insects. Insect Science 2013
73 (4), S. 591 - 606 (2013)
High levels of jasmonic acid antagonize the biosynthesis of gibberellins and inhibit the growth of Nicotiana attenuata stems. The Plant Journal
199 (3), S. 787 - 799 (2013)
Nicotiana attenuata MPK4 suppresses a novel JA signaling-independent defense pathway against the specialist insect Manduca sexta but is not required for the resistance to the generalist Spodoptera littoralis. New Phytologist
55 (2), S. 187 - 198 (2013)
Narboh D, a respiratory burst oxidase homolog in Nicotiana attenuata, is required for late defense responses after herbivore attack. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
55 (6), S. 514 - 526 (2013)
Silencing brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 impairs herbivory-elicited accumulation of jasmonic acid-isoleucine and diterpene glycosides, but not jasmonic acid and trypsin proteinase inhibitors in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2012
22, S. 48 - 51 (2012)
Protein kinases in plant growth and defense. Endocytobiosis and cell research: journal of the International Society of Endocytobiology
30, S. 731 - 740 (2012)
Three MAPK kinases, MEK1, SIPKK and NPK2, are not involved in activation of SIPK after wounding and herbivore feeding but important for accumulation of trypsin proteinase inhibitors. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
158 (2), S. 759 - 776 (2012)
Silencing MPK4 in Nicotiana attenuata enhances photosynthesis and seed production but compromises abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure and resistance to pathogens. Plant Physiology
8 (1), e22784 (2012)
Calcium-dependent protein kinases, CDPK4 and CDPK5, affect early steps of jasmonic acid biosynthesis in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Signaling & Behavior
54 (2), S. 99 - 114 (2012)
Arabidopsis plants having defects in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factors UPF1, UPF2, and UPF3 show photoperiod-dependent phenotypes in development and stress responses. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
159 (4), S. 1591 - 1607 (2012)
Silencing Nicotiana attenuata calcium-dependent protein kinases, CDPK4 and CDPK5, strongly upregulates wound- and herbivory-induced jasmonic acid accumulations. Plant Physiology 2011
62, S. 4355 - 4365 (2011)
Two mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases, MKK1 and MEK2, are involved in wounding- and specialist lepidopteran herbivore Manduca sexta-induced responses in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Experimental Botany
189, S. 1143 - 1156 (2011)
SGT1 regulates wounding- and herbivory-induced jasmonic acid accumulation and Nicotiana attenuata’s resistance to the specialist lepidopteran herbivore Manduca sexta. New Phytologist
6 (10), S. 1479 - 1482 (2011)
For security and stability: SGT1 in plant defense and development. Plant Signaling & Behavior
53 (8), S. 619 - 631 (2011)
Silencing NOA1 elevates herbivory-induced JA accumulation and compromises most of carbon-based defense metabolites in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
62 (13), S. 4605 - 4616 (2011)
S-Nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) mediates the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid and ethylene induced by feeding of the insect herbivore Manduca sexta and is important for jasmonate-elicited responses in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Experimental Botany
62 (2), S. 641 - 652 (2011)
BAK1 regulates the accumulation of jasmonic acid and the levels of trypsin proteinase inhibitors in Nicotiana attenuata's responses to herbivory. Journal of Experimental Botany
6 (9), S. 1322 - 1324 (2011)
The multifaceted function of BAK1/SERK3: plant immunity to pathogens and responses to insect herbivores. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2010
44 (1-24), S. 1 - 24 (2010)
New insights into plant responses to the attack from insect herbivores. Annual Review of Genetics