Publikationen von Sven Heiling
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Zeitschriftenartikel (10)
119 (24), e2122808119 (2022)
The downside of metabolic diversity: Postingestive rearrangements by specialized insects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021
33 (5), S. 1748 - 1770 (2021)
Specific decorations of 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides solve the autotoxicity problem of chemical defense in Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Cell
371 (6526), S. 255 - 260 (2021)
Controlled hydroxylations of diterpenoids allow for plant chemical defense without autotoxicity. Science 2018
7, e37093 (2018)
Blumenols as shoot markers for root symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. eLife 2016
85 (4), S. 561 - 577 (2016)
Using the knowns to discover the unknowns: MS-based dereplication uncovers structural diversity in 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycoside defense production in the Solanaceae. The Plant Journal
113 (47), S. E7610 - E7618 (2016)
Illuminating a plant's tissue-specific metabolic diversity using computational metabolomics and information theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015
115, S. 89 - 98 (2015)
Identification, quantification, spatiotemporal distribution and genetic variation of major latex secondary metabolites in the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale agg.). Phytochemistry 2014
14 (1), S. 243 - 249 (2014)
Phytochemical investigation on Euphorbia macrostegia (persian wood spurge). Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2010
58, S. 9418 - 9427 (2010)
Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry method for induced changes in Nicotiana attenuata leaves during simulated herbivory. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
22 (1), S. 273 - 292 (2010)
Jasmonate and ppHsystemin regulate key malonylation steps in the biosynthesis of 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides, an abundant and effective direct defense against herbivores in Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Cell Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)
Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Jasmonate and ppHsystemin regulate key malonylation steps of 17-Hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides, the most abundant and effective direct defense against herbivores in Nicotiana attenuata. Diplom, 106 S., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2010)