Publikationen von D. Kessler
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Zeitschriftenartikel (27)
152 (4), S. 2232 - 2242 (2010)
Silencing NaTPI expression increases nectar germin, nectarins and hydrogen peroxide levels and inhibits nectar removal from plants in nature. Plant Physiology
20 (3), S. 237 - 242 (2010)
Changing pollinators as a means of escaping herbivores. Current Biology 2008
11 (1), S. 24 - 34 (2008)
Shared signals – “alarm calls” from plants increase apparency to herbivores and their enemies in nature. Ecology Letters
321 (5893), S. 1200 - 1202 (2008)
Field experiments with transformed plants reveal the sense of floral scents. Science 2007
49 (5), S. 840 - 854 (2007)
Making sense of nectar scents: the effects of nectar secondary metabolites on floral visitors of Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal 2006
61 (9), S. 1138 - 1142 (2006)
A new acyclic diterpene glycoside from Nicotiana attenuata with a mild deterrent effect on feeding Manduca sexta larvae. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 2004
13 (5), S. 981 - 995 (2004)
Solanum nigrum: A model ecological expression system and its tools. Molecular Ecology Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Ecological functions of floral chemistry in two solanaceous species. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2013)