Publikationen von Youngjoo Oh

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Oh, Y.; Fragoso, V.; Guzzonato, F.; Kim, S.-G.; Park, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Root‐expressed phytochromes B1 and B2, but not PhyA and Cry2, regulate shoot growth in nature. Plant, Cell and Environment 41 (11), S. 2577 - 2588 (2018)
Fragoso, V.; Oh, Y.; Kim, S.-G.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Functional specialization of Nicotiana attenuata phytochromes in leaf development and flowering time. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 59 (3), S. 205 - 224 (2017)
Santhanam, R.; Oh, Y.; Kumar, R. N.; Weinhold, A.; Luu, V. T.; Groten, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Specificity of root microbiomes in native-grown Nicotiana attenuata and plant responses to UVB increase Deinococcus colonization. Molecular Ecology 26 (9), S. 2543 - 2562 (2017)
Lee, H.-J.; Ha, J.-H.; Kim, S.-G.; Choi, H.-K.; Kim, Z. H.; Han, Y.-J.; Kim, J.-I.; Oh, Y.; Fragoso, V.; Shin, K. et al.; Hyeon, T.; Choi, H.-G.; Oh, K.-H.; Baldwin, I. T.; Park, C.-M.: Stem-piped light activates phytochrome B to trigger light responses in Arabidopsis thaliana roots. Science Signaling 9 (452), ra106 (2016)
Santhanam, R.; Luu, V. T.; Weinhold, A.; Goldberg, J. K.; Oh, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.: Native root-associated bacteria rescue a plant from a sudden-wilt disease that emerged during continuous cropping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (36), S. E5013 - E5020 (2015)
Kallenbach, M.; Oh, Y.; Eilers, E. J.; Veit, D.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: A robust, simple, high-throughput technique for time-resolved plant volatile analysis in field experiments. The Plant Journal 78 (6), S. 1060 - 1072 (2014)
Oh, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: A jasmonate ZIM-domain protein NaJAZd regulates floral jasmonic acid levels and counteracts flower abscission in Nicotiana attenuata plants. PLoS One 8 (2), e57868 (2013)
Woldemariam, M.; Dinh, T. S.; Oh, Y.; Gaquerel, E.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: NaMYC2 transcription factor regulates a subset of plant defense responses in Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology 13, 73 (2013)
Oh, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: NaJAZh regulates a subset of defense responses against herbivores and spontaneous leaf necrosis in Nicotiana attenuata plants. Plant Physiology 159 (2), S. 769 - 788 (2012)
Zhang, L.; Oh, Y.; Li, H.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: Alternative oxidase in resistance to biotic stresses: Nicotiana attenuata AOX contributes to resistance to a pathogen and a piercing-sucking insect but not Manduca sexta larvae. Plant Physiology 160 (3), S. 1453 - 1467 (2012)
Colquhoun, T. A.; Schwieterman, M. L.; Wedde, A. E.; Schimmel, B. C.J.; Marciniak, D. M.; Verdonk, J. C.; Kim, J. Y.; Oh, Y.; Galis, I.; Baldwin, I. T. et al.; Clark, D. G.: EOBII controls flower opening by functioning as a general transcriptomic switch. Plant Physiology 156 (2), S. 974 - 984 (2011)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Oh, Y.: Multiple functions of Jasmonate ZIM domain (JAZ) proteins in N. attenuata plants: growth, development, and defense against herbivores. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2013)
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