Publikationen von Jyothilakshmi Vadassery
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Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
1864 (12), 158520 (2019)
Omega hydroxylated JA-Ile is an endogenous bioactive jasmonate that signals through the canonical jasmonate signaling pathway. Biochimica et biophysica acta: BBA Molecular and cell biology of lipids
31 (7), S. 1539 - 1562 (2019)
The Ca2+ channel CNGC19 regulates Arabidopsis defense against Spodoptera herbivory. The Plant Cell
38 (2), S. 713 - 722 (2019)
Neomycin: an effective inhibitor of jasmonate-induced reactions in plants. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2016
27 (1), S. 1 - 12 (2016)
A role for calmodulin-like proteins in herbivore defense path-ways in plants. Endocytobiosis and cell research: journal of the International Society of Endocytobiology 2015
10 (6), e0127831 (2015)
Overexpression of an AP2/ERF type transcription factor OsEREBP1 confers biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in rice. PLoS One
207 (4), S. 996 - 1004 (2015)
Systemic cytosolic Ca2+ elevation is activated upon wounding and herbivory in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist
15 (3), S. 363 - 373 (2015)
Upregulation of jasmonate biosynthesis and jasmonate-responsive genes in rice leaves in response to a bacterial pathogen mimic. Functional and Integrative Genomics
10 (6), e1011951 (2015)
Calmodulin-like protein CML37 is a positive regulator of ABA during drought stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2014
14, 162 (2014)
An Arabidopsis mutant impaired in intracellular calcium elevation is sensitive to biotic and abiotic stress. BMC Plant Biology
7, S. 1712 - 1726 (2014)
Mutation of the Arabidopsis calmodulin-like protein CML37 deregulates the jasmonate pathway and enhances susceptibility to herbivory. Molecular Plant
40, S. 676 - 686 (2014)
Neomycin inhibition of (+)-7-iso-jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine accumulation and signaling. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2012
159, S. 1159 - 1175 (2012)
CML42-mediated calcium signaling co-ordinates responses to Spodoptera herbivory and abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology
38 (7), S. 865 - 872 (2012)
Direct proof of ingested food regurgitation by Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars during feeding on Arabidopsis. Journal of Chemical Ecology
7 (10), S. 1277 - 1280 (2012)
Multiple calmodulin-like proteins in Arabidopsis are induced by insect-derived (Spodoptera littoralis) oral secretion. Plant Signaling & Behavior
22, S. 66 - 69 (2012)
Calmodulin-like proteins, CMLs: New players in plant defense regulation? Endocytobiosis and cell research: journal of the International Society of Endocytobiology 2011
7 (5), e1002051 (2011)
The OXI1 kinase pathway mediates Piriformospora indica-induced growth promotion in Arabidopsis. PLoS Pathogens 2009
4 (11), S. 1024 - 1027 (2009)
Calcium signaling in pathogenic and beneficial plant microbe interactions: what can we learn from the interaction between Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling & Behavior
59 (2), S. 193 - 206 (2009)
A cell wall extract from the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica promotes growth of Arabidopsis seedlings and induces intracellular calcium elevation in roots. The Plant Journal
166 (12), S. 1263 - 1274 (2009)
Monodehydroascorbate reductase 2 and dehydroascorbate reductase 5 are crucial for a mutualistic interaction between Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology 2008
21 (10), S. 1371 - 1383 (2008)
The role of auxins and cytokinins in the mutualistic interaction between Arabidopsis and Piriformospora indica. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions