Publikationen von Maritta Kunert

Zeitschriftenartikel (31)

Grzech, D.; Smit, S. J.; Alam, R. M.; Boccia, M.; Nakamura, Y.; Hong, B.; Barbole, R.; Heinicke, S.; Kunert, M.; Seibt, W. et al.; Grabe, V.; Caputi, L.; Lichman, B. R.; O’Connor, S. E.; Aharoni, A.; Sonawane, P. D.: Incorporation of nitrogen in antinutritional Solanum alkaloid biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology 21, S. 131 - 142 (2025)
Boccia, M.; Ploß, K.; Kunert, M.; Keshan, R.; Hatam, M.; Grabe, V.; O’Connor, S. E.; Sonawane, P. D.: Metabolic engineering of vitamin D3 in Solanaceae plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22 (12), S. 3389 - 3391 (2024)
Lucier, R.; Kamileen, M. O.; Nakamura, Y.; Serediuk, S.; Barbole, R.; Wurlitzer, J.; Kunert, M.; Heinicke, S.; O’Connor, S. E.; Sonawane, P. D.: Steroidal scaffold decorations in Solanum alkaloid biosynthesis. Molecular Plant 17 (8), S. 1236 - 1254 (2024)
Kunert, M.; Langley, C.; Lucier, R.; Ploß, K.; Rodriguez Lopez, C. E.; Serna Guerrero, D. A.; Rothe, E.; O’Connor, S. E.; Sonawane, P. D.: Promiscuous CYP87A enzyme activity initiates cardenolide biosynthesis in plants. Nature Plants 9, S. 1607 - 1617 (2023)
Ezediokpu, M.; Krause, K.; Kunert, M.; Hoffmeister, D.; Boland, W.; Kothe, E.: Ectomycorrhizal influence on the dynamics of sesquiterpene release by Tricholoma vaccinum. Journal of Fungi 8 (6), 555 (2022)
Fu, N.; Becker, T.; Brandt, W.; Kunert, M.; Burse, A.; Boland, W.: Involvement of CYP347W1 in neurotoxin 3-nitropropionic acid based chemical defense in mustard leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae. Insect Science 29 (2), S. 453 - 466 (2022)
Hernández-Lozada, N. J.; Hong, B.; Wood, J. C.; Caputi, L.; Basquin, J.; Chuang, L.; Kunert, M.; Rodriguez Lopez, C. E.; Langley, C.; Zhao, D. et al.; Buell, C. R.; Lichman, B. R.; O’Connor, S. E.: Biocatalytic routes to stereo-divergent iridoids. Nature Communications 13, 4718 (2022)
Palmer, L.; Chuang, L.; Siegmund, M.; Kunert, M.; Yamamoto, K.; Sonawane, P. D.; O’Connor, S. E.: In vivo characterization of key iridoid biosynthesis pathway genes in catnip (Nepeta cataria). Planta 256 (5), 99 (2022)
Wirth, S.; Krause, K.; Kunert, M.; Broska, S.; Paetz, C.; Boland, W.; Kothe, E.: Function of sesquiterpenes from Schizophyllum commune in interspecific interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 16 (1), e0245623 (2021)
Abdulsalam, O.; Wagner, K.; Wirth, S.; Kunert, M.; David, A.; Kallenbach, M.; Boland, W.; Kothe, E.; Krause, K.: Phytohormones and volatile organic compounds, like geosmin, in the ectomycorrhiza of Tricholoma vaccinum and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Mycorrhiza 31, S. 173 - 188 (2020)
Haenniger, S.; Goergen, G.; Akinbuluma, M. D.; Kunert, M.; Heckel, D. G.; Unbehend, M.: Sexual communication of Spodoptera frugiperda from West Africa: Adaptation of an invasive species and implications for pest management. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2892 (2020)
Sarheed, M. M.; Rajabi, F.; Kunert, M.; Boland, W.; Wetters, S.; Miadowitz, K. K.; Kaźmierczak, A.; Sahi, V. P.; Nick, P.: Cellular base of mint allelopathy: Menthone affects plant microtubules. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 546345 (2020)
Xie, S.; Vallet, M.; Sun, C.; Kunert, M.; David, A.; Zhang, X.; Chen, B.; Lu, X.; Boland, W.; Shao, Y.: Biocontrol potential of a novel endophytic bacterium from mulberry (Morus) tree. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7, 488 (2020)
Li, G.; Bartram, S.; Guo, H.; Mithöfer, A.; Kunert, M.; Boland, W.: SpitWorm, an herbivorous robot: Mechanical leaf wounding with simultaneous application of salivary components. Plants 8 (9), 318 (2019)
Freihorst, D.; Brunsch, M.; Wirth, S.; Krause, K.; Kniemeyer, O.; Linde, J.; Kunert, M.; Boland, W.; Kothe, E.: Smelling the difference: Transcriptome, proteome and volatilome changes after mating. Fungal Genetics and Biology 112, S. 2 - 11 (2018)
Wang, D.; Pentzold, S.; Kunert, M.; Groth, M.; Brandt, W.; Pasteels, M.; Boland, W.; Burse, A.: A subset of chemosensory genes differs between two populations of a specialized leaf beetle after host plant shift. Ecology and Evolution 8 (16), S. 8055 - 8075 (2018)
Wirth, S.; Kunert, M.; Ahrens, L.; Krause, K.; Broska, S.; Paetz, C.; Kniemeyer, O.; Jung, E.; Boland, W.; Kothe, E.: The regulator of G‐protein signaling Thn1 links pheromone response to volatile production in Schizophyllum commune. Environmental Microbiology 20 (10), S. 3684 - 3699 (2018)
Grau, R. R.; de Oña, P.; Kunert, M.; Leñini, C.; Gallegos-Monterrosa, R.; Mhatre, E. R.; Rovetto, A.; Hölscher, T.; Boland, W.; Kuipers, O. P. et al.; Kovács, Á. T.: A duo of potassium-responsive histidine kinases govern the multicellular destiny of Bacillus subtilis. mBio 6 (4), e00581-15 (2015)
Henke, C.; Kunert, M.; Veit, D.; Kunert, G.; Krause, K.; Kothe, E.; Boland, W.: Analysis of volatiles from Picea abies triggered by below-ground interactions. Environmental and Experimental Botany 110, S. 56 - 61 (2014)
Joachim, C.; Hatano, E.; David, A.; Kunert, M.; Linse, C.; Weisser, W. W.: Modulation of aphid alarm pheromone emission of pea aphid prey by predators. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39, S. 773 - 782 (2013)
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