Publikationen von Theresa Hölscher

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Hölscher, T.; Schiklang, T.; Dragoš, A.; Dietel, A.-K.; Kost, C.; Kovács, Á. T.: Impaired competence in flagellar mutants of Bacillus subtilis is connected to the regulatory network governed by DegU. Environmental Microbiology Reports 10 (1), S. 23 - 32 (2018)
Hölscher, T.; Kovács, Á. T.: Sliding on the surface: bacterial spreading without an active motor. Environmental Microbiology 19 (7), S. 2537 - 2545 (2017)
Martin, M.; Dragoš, A.; Hölscher, T.; Maróti, G.; Bálint, B.; Westermann, M.; Kovács, Á. T.: De novo evolved interference competition promotes the spread of biofilm defectors. Nature Communications 8, 15127 (2017)
Mhatre, E.; Sundaram, A.; Hölscher, T.; Mühlstädt, M.; Bossert, J.; Kovács, Á. T.: Presence of calcium lowers the expansion of Bacillus subtilis colony biofilms. Microorganisms 5 (1), 7 (2017)
Hölscher, T.; Dragoš, A.; Gallegos-Monterrosa, R.; Martin, M.; Mhatre, E.; Richter, A.; Kovács, Á. T.: Monitoring spatial segregation in surface colonizing microbial populations. Journal of Visualized Experiments 116, e54752 (2016)
Martin, M.; Hölscher, T.; Dragoš, A.; Cooper, V. S.; Kovács, Á. T.: Laboratory evolution of microbial interactions in bacterial biofilms. Journal of Bacteriology 198 (19), S. 2564 - 2571 (2016)
Mhatre, E.; Troszok, A.; Gallegos-Monterrosa, R.; Lindstädt, S.; Hölscher, T.; Kuipers, O. P.; Kovács, Á. T.: The impact of manganese on biofilm development of Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology 162 (8), S. 1468 - 1478 (2016)
Grau, R. R.; de Oña, P.; Kunert, M.; Leñini, C.; Gallegos-Monterrosa, R.; Mhatre, E. R.; Rovetto, A.; Hölscher, T.; Boland, W.; Kuipers, O. P. et al.: A duo of potassium-responsive histidine kinases govern the multicellular destiny of Bacillus subtilis. mBio 6 (4), e00581-15 (2015)
Hölscher, T.; Bartels, B.; Lin, Y.-C.; Gallegos-Monterrosa, R.; Price-Whelan, A.; Kolter, R.; Dietrich, L. E. P.; Kovacs, A. T.: Motility, chemotaxis and aerotaxis contribute to competitiveness during bacterial pellicle biofilm development. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 427 (23), S. 3695 - 3708 (2015)
Hölscher, T.; Kost, C.; Kovács, Á. T.: Einblicke in das Sozialleben von Mikroben. Biospektrum, S. 264 - 266 (2015)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Jautzus, T.: Social interactions and regulatory pathways influencing Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation and motility. Dissertation, 279 S., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2018)