Foto: Sebastian Reuter

Publikationen von Alexandr Muck

Zeitschriftenartikel (35)

Orona-Tamayo, D.; Wielsch, N.; Escalante-Pérez, M.; Svatos, A.; Molina-Torres, J.; Muck, A.; Ramirez-Chávez, E.; Ádame-Alvarez, R.-M.; Heil, M.: Short-term proteomic dynamics reveal metabolic factory for active extrafloral nectar secretion by Acacia cornigera ant-plants. The Plant Journal 73 (4), S. 546 - 554 (2013)
Ullmann-Zeunert, L.; Muck, A.; Wielsch, N.; Hufsky, F.; Stanton, M.; Bartram, S.; Böcker, S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Groten, K.; Svatoš, A.: Determination of 15N-incorporation into plant proteins and their absolute quantitation: a new tool to study nitrogen flux dynamics and protein pool sizes elicited by plant-herbivore interactions. Journal of Proteome Research 11 (10), S. 4947 - 4960 (2012)
Celorio-Mancera, M. d. l. P.; Courtiade, J.; Muck, A.; Heckel, D. G.; Musser, R. O.; Vogel, H.: Sialome of a generalist lepidopteran herbivore: Identification of transcripts and proteins from Helicoverpa armigera labial salivary glands. PLoS One 6 (10), e26676 (2011)
Courtiade, J.; Muck, A.; Svatoš, A.; Heckel, D. G.; Pauchet, Y.: Comparative proteomic analysis of Helicoverpa armigera cells undergoing apoptosis. Journal of Proteome Research 10, S. 2633 - 2642 (2011)
Kirsch, R.; Vogel, H.; Muck, A.; Reichwald, K.; Pasteels, J. M.; Boland, W.: Host plant shifts affect a major defense enzyme in Chrysomela lapponica. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (12), S. 4897 - 4901 (2011)
Ma, H.; Krock, B.; Tillmann, U.; Muck, A.; Wielsch, N.; Svatoš, A.; Cembella, A.: Isolation of activity and partial characterization of large non-proteinaceous lytic allelochemicals produced by the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Harmful Algae 11, S. 65 - 72 (2011)
Bezzi, S.; Kessler, D.; Diezel, C.; Muck, A.; Anssour, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Silencing NaTPI expression increases nectar germin, nectarins and hydrogen peroxide levels and inhibits nectar removal from plants in nature. Plant Physiology 152 (4), S. 2232 - 2242 (2010)
Deepak, S.; Shailasree, S.; Kini, R.K.; Muck, A.; Mithöfer, A.; Shetty, S.H.: Hydroxyproline rich glycoproteins and plant defence. Journal of Phytopathology 158, S. 585 - 593 (2010)
González-Teuber, M.; Pozo, M. J.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.; Adame-Alvarez, R. M.; Heil, M.: Glucanases and chitinases as causal agents in the protection of Acacia extrafloral nectar from infestation by phytopathogens. Plant Physiology 152 (3), S. 1705 - 1715 (2010)
Kley, J.; Heil, M.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.; Boland, W.: Isolating intact chloroplasts from small Arabidopsis samples for proteomic studies in stress physiology. Analytical Biochemistry 398, S. 198 - 202 (2010)
Muck, A.; Stelzner, T.; Hübner, U.; Christiansen, S.; Svatos, A.: Lithographically patterned silicon nanowire arrays for matrix free LDI-TOF/MS analysis of lipids. Lab on a Chip 10 (3), S. 320 - 325 (2010)
Svobodová, J.; Mathur, S.; Muck, A.; Letzel, T.; Svatos, A.: Microchip-ESI-MS determination of dissociation constant of the lysozyme-NAG3 complex. Electrophoresis 31 (15), S. 2680 - 2685 (2010)
Vrkoslav, V.; Muck, A.; Cvacka, J.; Svatos, A.: MALDI imaging of neutral cuticular lipids in insects and plants. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 21 (2), S. 220 - 231 (2010)
González-Teuber, M.; Eilmus, S.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.; Heil, M.: Pathogenesis-related proteins protect extrafloral nectar from microbial infestation. The Plant Journal 58 (3), S. 464 - 473 (2009)
Halim, V. A.; Muck, A.; Hartl, M.; Ibáñez, A. J.; Giri, A.; Erfurth, F.; Baldwin, I.T.; Svatos, A.: A dual fluorescent/MALDI chip platform for analyzing enzymatic activity and for protein profiling. Proteomics 9 (1), S. 171 - 181 (2009)
Hooper, A. M.; Dufour, S.; He, X.; Muck, A.; Zhou, J.-J.; Almeida, R.; Field, L. M.; Svatos, A.; Pickett, J. A.: High-throughput ESI-MS analysis of binding between the Bombyx mori pheromone-binding protein BmorPBP1, its pheromone components and some analogues. Chemical Communications, S. 5725 - 5727 (2009)
Mansourova, M.; Klusák, V.; Nešněrová, P.; Muck, A.; Doubský, J.; Svatos, A.: Design and synthesis of bombykol analogues for probing pheromone-binding protein–ligand interactions. Tetrahedron 65 (5), S. 1069 - 1076 (2009)
Pauchet, Y.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.; Heckel, D. G.: Chromatographic and electrophoretic resolution of proteins and protein complexes from the larval midgut microvilli of Manduca sexta. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 39 (7), S. 467 - 474 (2009)
Wang, J.; Chen, G.; Muck, A.: Wall-jet conductivity detector for microchip capillary electrophoresis. Talanta 78 (1), S. 207 - 211 (2009)
Becher, J.; Muck, A.; Mithöfer, A.; Svatoš, A.; Boland, W.: Negative ion mode matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of oligosaccharides using halide adducts and 9-aminoacridine matrix. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22 (8), S. 1153 - 1158 (2008)
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