Foto: Sebastian Reuter

Publikationen von Stefan Meldau

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Adam, N.; Kallenbach, M.; Meldau, S.; Veit, D.; van Dam, N.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: Functional variation in a key defense gene structures herbivore communities and alters plant performance. PLoS One 13 (6), e0197221 (2018)
Brütting, C.; Crava, M. C.; Schäfer, M.; Schuman, M. C.; Meldau, S.; Adam, N.; Baldwin, I. T.: Cytokinin transfer by a free-living mirid to Nicotiana attenuata recapitulates a strategy of endophytic insects. eLife 7, e36268 (2018)
Schuman, M. C.; Meldau, S.; Gaquerel, E.; Diezel, C.; McGale, E.; Greenfield, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: The active jasmonate JA-Ile regulates a specific subset of plant jasmonate-mediated resistance to herbivores in nature. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 789 (2018)
Brütting, C.; Schäfer, M.; Vanková, R.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Changes in cytokinins are sufficient to alter developmental patterns of defense metabolites in Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal 89 (1), S. 15 - 30 (2017)
Herden, J.; Meldau, S.; Kim, S.-G.; Kunert, G.; Joo, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: Shifting Nicotiana attenuata's diurnal rhythm does not alter its resistance to the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58 (7), S. 656 - 668 (2016)
Schäfer, M.; Meza Canales, I. D.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Cytokinin concentrations and CHASE-DOMAIN CONTAINING HIS KINASE 2 (NaCHK2)- and NaCHK3-mediated perception modulate herbivory-induced defense signaling and defenses in Nicotiana attenuata. New Phytologist 207 (3), S. 645 - 658 (2015)
Schäfer, M.; Meza Canales, I. D.; Navarro-Quezada, A.; Brütting, C.; Radomira, V.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Cytokinin levels and signaling respond to wounding and the perception of herbivore elicitors in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57 (2), S. 198 - 212 (2015)
Falk, K.; Kästner, J.; Bodenhausen, N.; Schramm, K.; Paetz, C.; G. Vassão, D.; Reichelt, M.; von Knorre, D.; Bergelson, J.; Erb, M. et al.; Gershenzon, J.; Meldau, S.: The role of glucosinolates and the jasmonic acid pathway in resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana against molluskan herbivores. Molecular Ecology 23 (5), S. 1188 - 1203 (2014)
Kästner, J.; Himanshu, H.; von Knorre, D.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.; Meldau, S.: Salicylic acid, a plant defense hormone, is specifically secreted by a molluscan herbivore. PLoS One 9 (1), e86500 (2014)
Meldau, D. G.; Meldau, S.; Long, H. H.; Underberg, S.; Wünsche, H.; Baldwin, I. T.: Dimethyl disulfide produced by the naturally associated Bacillus sp. B55 promotes Nicotiana attenuata growth by enhancing sulfur nutrition. The Plant Cell 25 (7), S. 2731 - 2747 (2013)
Meldau, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Just in time: Circadian defense patterns and the optimal defense hypothesis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 8 (6), e24410 (2013)
Schäfer, M.; Brütting, C.; Gase, K.; Reichelt, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: “Real time” genetic manipulation: a new tool for ecological field studies. The Plant Journal 76 (3), S. 506 - 518 (2013)
Erb, M.; Meldau, S.; Howe, G. A.: Role of phytohormones in insect-specific plant reactions. Trends in Plant Science 17 (5), S. 250 - 259 (2012)
Meldau, S.; Erb, M.; Baldwin, I. T.: Defence on demand: Mechanisms behind optimal defence patterns. Annals of Botany 110 (8), S. 1503 - 1514 (2012)
Meldau, S.; Ullmann-Zeunert, L.; Govind, G.; Bartram, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: MAPK-dependent JA and SA signalling in Nicotiana attenuata affects plant growth and fitness during competition with conspecifics. BMC Plant Biology 12, 213 (2012)
Meldau, S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Wu, J.: SGT1 regulates wounding- and herbivory-induced jasmonic acid accumulation and Nicotiana attenuata’s resistance to the specialist lepidopteran herbivore Manduca sexta. New Phytologist 189, S. 1143 - 1156 (2011)
Meldau, S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Wu, J.: For security and stability: SGT1 in plant defense and development. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6 (10), S. 1479 - 1482 (2011)
Schäfer, M.; Fischer, C.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Grasshopper oral secretions increase salicylic acid and abscic acid levels in wounded leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6 (9), S. 1256 - 1258 (2011)
Schäfer, M.; Fischer, C.; Meldau*, S.; Seebald, E.; Oelmüller, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Lipase activity in insect oral secretions mediates defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. * Corresponding author. Plant Physiology 156 (3), S. 1520 - 1534 (2011)
Ibáñez, A.; Scharte, J.; Bones, P.; Pirkl, A.; Meldau, S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Hillenkamp, F.; Weis, E.; Dreisewerd, K.: Rapid metabolic profiling of Nicotiana tabacum defense responses against Phytophthora nicotianae using direct infrared laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry and principal component analysis. Plant Methods 6, 14 (2010)
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