Foto: Sebastian Reuter

Publikationen von Lorenzo Caputi

Zeitschriftenartikel (48)

Grzech, D.; Smit, S. J.; Alam, R. M.; Boccia, M.; Nakamura, Y.; Hong, B.; Barbole, R.; Heinicke, S.; Kunert, M.; Seibt, W. et al.; Grabe, V.; Caputi, L.; Lichman, B. R.; O’Connor, S. E.; Aharoni, A.; Sonawane, P. D.: Incorporation of nitrogen in antinutritional Solanum alkaloid biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology 21, S. 131 - 142 (2025)
Kimbadi Lombe, B.; Zhou, T.; Caputi, L.; Ploss, K.; O’Connor, S. E.: Biosynthetic origin of the methoxy group in quinine and related alkaloids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 64 (5), e202418306 (2025)
Li, C.; Colinas, M.; Wood, J. C.; Vaillancourt, B.; Hamilton, J. P.; Jones, S. L.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.; Buell, C. R.: Cell-type-aware regulatory landscapes governing monoterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis in the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus. New Phytologist 245 (1), S. 347 - 362 (2025)
Vu, A. H.; Kang, M.; Wurlitzer, J.; Heinicke, S.; Li, C.; Wood, J. C.; Grabe, V.; Buell, C. R.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.: Quantitative single-cell mass spectrometry provides a highly resolved analysis of natural product biosynthesis partitioning in plants. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (34), S. 23891 - 23900 (2024)
Grzech, D.; Hong, B.; Caputi, L.; Sonawane, P. D.; O’Connor, S. E.: Engineering the biosynthesis of late-stage vinblastine precursors precondylocarpine acetate, catharanthine, tabersonine in Nicotiana benthamiana. ACS Synthetic Biology 12 (1), S. 27 - 34 (2023)
Li, C.; Wood, J. C.; Vu, H. A.; Hamilton, J. P.; Lopez, C. E. R.; Payne, R. M. E.; Serna Guerrero, D. A.; Gase, K.; Yamamoto, K.; Vaillancourt, B. et al.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.; Buell, C. R.: Single-cell multi-omics in the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus. Nature Chemical Biology 19 (8), S. 1031 - 1041 (2023)
Stephan, P.; Langley, C.; Winkler, D.; Basquin, D. J.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.; Kries, D. H.: Gerichtete Evolution von Piperazinsäureeinbau durch eine Nichtribosomale Peptidsynthetase. Angewandte Chemie 135 (35), e202304843 (2023)
Stephan, P.; Langley, C.; Winkler, D.; Basquin, J.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.; Kries, H.: Directed evolution of piperazic acid incorporation by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (35), e202304843 (2023)
Boccia, M.; Grzech, D.; Lopes, A. A.; O’Connor, S. E.; Caputi, L.: Directed biosynthesis of new to nature alkaloids in a heterologous Nicotiana benthamiana expression host. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 919443 (2022)
Dudley, Q. M.; Jo, S.; Serna Guerrero, D. A.; Chhetry, M.; Smedley, M. A.; Harwood, W. A.; Sherden, N. H.; O’Connor, S. E.; Caputi, L.; Patron, N. J.: Reconstitution of monoterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis in genome engineered Nicotiana benthamiana. Communications Biology 5, 949 (2022)
Hernández-Lozada, N. J.; Hong, B.; Wood, J. C.; Caputi, L.; Basquin, J.; Chuang, L.; Kunert, M.; Rodriguez Lopez, C. E.; Langley, C.; Zhao, D. et al.; Buell, C. R.; Lichman, B. R.; O’Connor, S. E.: Biocatalytic routes to stereo-divergent iridoids. Nature Communications 13, 4718 (2022)
Kamileen, M. O.; DeMars II, M. D.; Hong, B.; Nakamura, Y.; Paetz, C.; Lichman, B. R.; Sonawane, P. D.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.: Recycling upstream redox enzymes expands the regioselectivity of cycloaddition in Pseudo-Aspidosperma alkaloid biosynthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (43), S. 19673 - 19579 (2022)
Köllner, T. G.; David, A.; Luck, K.; Beran, F.; Kunert, G.; Zhou, J.-J.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.: Biosynthesis of iridoid sex pheromones in aphids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (42), e2211254119 (2022)
Langley, C.; Tatsis, E. E.; Hong, B.; Nakamura, Y.; Paetz, C.; Stevenson, C. E. M.; Basquin, J.; Lawson, D. M.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.: Expansion of the catalytic repertoire of alcohol dehydrogenases in plant metabolism. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 61 (48), e202210934 (2022)
Yamamoto, K.; Grzech, D.; Koudounas, K.; Stander, E. A.; Caputi, L.; Mimura, T.; Courdavault, V.; O’Connor, S. E.: Improved virus-induced gene silencing allows discovery of a serpentine synthase gene in Catharanthus roseus. Plant Physiology 187 (2), S. 846 - 857 (2021)
Caputi, L.; Franke, J.; Bussey, K.; Farrow, S. C.; Curcino Vieira, I. J.; Stevenson, C. E. M.; Lawson, D. M.; O’Connor, S. E.: Structural basis of cycloaddition in biosynthesis of iboga and Aspidosperma alkaloids. Nature Chemical Biology 16, S. 383 - 386 (2020)
Davis, K.; Gkotsi, D. S.; Smith, D. R. M.; Goss, R. J. M.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.: Nicotiana benthamiana as a transient expression host to produce auxin analogs. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 581675 (2020)
Neumann, M.; Prahl, S.; Caputi, L.; Hill, L.; Kular, B.; Walter, A.; Patallo, E. P.; Milbredt, D.; Aires, A.; Schöpe, M. et al.; O’Connor, S. E.; van Pée, K.-H.; Ludwig-Müller, J.: Hairy root transformation of Brassica rapa with bacterial halogenase genes and regeneration to adult plants to modify production of indolic compounds. Phytochemistry 175, 112371 (2020)
Walter, A.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S.; van Pée, K.-H.; Ludwig-Müller, J.: Chlorinated auxins–how does Arabidopsis thaliana deal with them? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (7), 2567 (2020)
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