Foto: Sebastian Reuter

Publikationen von Jay Keche Goldberg

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Joo, Y.; Goldberg, J. K.; Chretien, L.; Kim, S.-G.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: The circadian clock contributes to diurnal patterns of plant indirect defense in nature. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 61 (8), S. 924 - 928 (2019)
Joo, Y.; Schuman, M. C.; Goldberg, J. K.; Wissgott, A.; Kim, S.-G.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivory elicits changes in green leaf volatile production via jasmonate signaling and the circadian clock. Plant, Cell and Environment 42 (3), S. 972 - 982 (2019)
Joo, Y.; Schuman, M. C.; Goldberg, J. K.; Kim, S.-G.; Yon, F.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore-induced volatile blends with both "fast" and "slow" components provide robust indirect defence in nature. Functional Ecology 32 (1), S. 136 - 149 (2018)
Santhanam, R.; Luu, V. T.; Weinhold, A.; Goldberg, J. K.; Oh, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.: Native root-associated bacteria rescue a plant from a sudden-wilt disease that emerged during continuous cropping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (36), S. E5013 - E5020 (2015)
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