
see my CV as pdf file


2025: Silver Medal of the International Society of Chemical Ecology

2024: Great Medal of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

2023: Honorary professorship of Nanjing Agricultural University, China

2022: Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2021: Gold Medal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

2021: Cross of Merit 1st class of the Federal Republic of Germany

2020: icipe@50 Achievement Award: In recognition of his invaluable leadership as a member and Chair of the Governing Council and in scientific contribution to icipe on insect chemical ecology.

2017: Jubilee Medal of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

2017: Honorary Doctorate of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague

2017: Gewähltes Mitglied der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

2017: Elected Member of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS)

2016: International Ellis Island Medal of Honor

2016: Honorary Doctorate of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

2014: ISCE Silverstein-Simeone Lecture Award: Olfactory-based resource location and danger avoidance in Drosophila

2013: Elected Member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

2012: Elected Member of the Academia Europaea

2011: Honorary Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES; honorary)

2010: Mitglied der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

2010: Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2009: Letterstedt Prize of the Swedish Academy of Sciences

2007: Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

2000: International Award of the Jean-Marie Delwart Foundation: for his work on the neurophysilogical aspects of Chemical Communication in Insects.

1998: The Takasago International Research Award in Olfactory Science

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