Zeitschriftenartikel (3613)

Opitz, S.; Otalvaro, F.; Echeverri, F.; Quinones, W.; Schneider, B.: Isomeric oxabenzochrysenones from Musa acuminata and Wachendorfia thyrsiflora. Natural Product Letters 16 (5), S. 335 - 338 (2002)
Opitz, S.; Schneider, B.: Organ-specific analysis of phenylphenalenone-related compounds in Xiphidium caeruleum. Phytochemistry 61 (7), S. 819 - 825 (2002)
Otálvaro, F.; Echeverri, F.; Quinones, W.; Torres, F.; Schneider, B.: Correlation between phenylphenalenone phytoalexins and phytopathological properties in Musa and the role of a dihydrophenylphenalene triol. Molecules 7 (3), S. 331 - 340 (2002)
Otálvaro, F.; Görls, H.; Hölscher, D.; Schmitt, B.; Echeverri, F.; Quinones, W.; Schneider, B.: Dimeric phenylphenalenones from Musa acuminata and various Haemodoraceae species. Crystal structure of anigorootin. Phytochemistry 60 (1), S. 61 - 66 (2002)
Park, J. H.; Halitschke, R.; Kim, H. B.; Baldwin, I. T.; Feldmann, K. A.; Feyereisen, R.: A knot-out mutation in allene oxide synthase results in male sterility and defective wound signal transduction in Arabidopsis due to a block in jasmonic acid biosynthesis. The Plant Journal 31 (1), S. 1 - 12 (2002)
Pichersky, E.; Gershenzon, J.: The formation and function of plant volatiles: perfumes for pollinator attraction and defense. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 5 (3), S. 237 - 243 (2002)
Pichersky, E.; Gershenzon, J.: Plant odyssey - Volatile substances. Biofutur (224), S. 22 - 26 (2002)
Piel, J.: A polyketide synthase-peptide synthetase gene cluster from an uncultured bacterial symbiont of Paederus beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (22), S. 14002 - 14007 (2002)
Pohnert, G.: Phospholipase A(2) activity triggers the wound-activated chemical defense in the diatom Thalassiosira rotula. Plant Physiology 129 (1), S. 103 - 111 (2002)
Pohnert, G.: Biomineralization in diatoms mediated through peptide- and polyamine-assisted condensation of silica. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 41 (17), S. 3167 - 3169 (2002)
Pohnert, G.; Boland, W.: The oxylipin chemistry of attraction and defense in brown algae and diatoms. Natural Product Reports 19 (1), S. 108 - 122 (2002)
Pohnert, G.; Lumineau, O.; Cueff, A.; Adolph, S.; Cordevant, C.; Lange, M.; Poulet, S.: Are volatile unsaturated aldehydes from diatoms the main line of chemical defence against copepods? Marine Ecology-Progress Series 245, S. 33 - 45 (2002)
Potin, P.; Bouarab, K.; Salaun, J. P.; Pohnert, G.; Kloareg, B.: Biotic interactions of marine algae. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 5 (4), S. 308 - 317 (2002)
Preston, C. A.; Betts, H.; Baldwin, I. T.: Methyl jasmonate as an allelopathic agent: Sagebrush inhibits germination of a neighboring tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28 (11), S. 2343 - 2369 (2002)
Ratzka, A.; Vogel, H.; Kliebenstein, D. J.; Mitchell-Olds, T.; Kroymann, J.: Disarming the mustard oil bomb. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (17), S. 11223 - 11228 (2002)
Reichelt, M.; Brown, P. D.; Schneider, B.; Oldham, N. J.; Stauber, E. J.; Tokuhisa, J. G.; Kliebenstein, D. J.; Mitchell-Olds, T.; Gershenzon, J.: Benzoic acid glucosinolate esters and other glucosinolates from Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry 59 (6), S. 663 - 671 (2002)
Schnee, C.; Köllner, T. G.; Gershenzon, J.; Degenhardt, J.: The maize gene terpene synthase 1 encodes a sesquiterpene synthase catalyzing the formation of (E)-beta-farnesene, (E)-nerolidol, and (E,E)-farnesol after herbivore damage. Plant Physiology 130 (4), S. 2049 - 2060 (2002)
Schranz, M. E.; Quijada, P.; Sung, S. B.; Lukens, L.; Amasino, R.; Osborn, T. C.: Characterization and effects of the replicated flowering time gene FLC in Brassica rapa. Genetics 162 (3), S. 1457 - 1468 (2002)
Schwachtje, J.; Vorwieger, A.; Jain, A.; Singh, A.; Punia, M. S.; Behl, R. K.; Bergmann, H.: Effect of sodium chloride on seed germination and other growth factors in soybean (Glycine Max L.). National Journal of Plant Improvement 4 (2), S. 9 - 12 (2002)
Seemann, M.; Zhai, G. Z.; Kraker, D.; Paschall, C. M.; Christianson, D. W.; Cane, D. E.: Pentalenene synthase. Analysis of active site residues by site- directed mutagenesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (26), S. 7681 - 7689 (2002)
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