Abteilung Evolutionäre Neuroethologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (389)

Bühlmann, C.; Hansson, B.; Knaden, M.: Desert ants learn vibration and magnetic landmarks. PLoS One 7 (3), e33117 (2012)
Capurro, A.; Baroni, F.; Olsson, S.; Kuebler, L.; Karout, S.; Hansson, B.; Pearce, T. C.: Non-linear blend coding in the moth antennal lobe emerges from random glomerular networks. Frontiers in Neuroengineering 5, 6 (2012)
Drew, M.; Hartnoll, R. G.; Hansson, B.: An improved mark-recapture method using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767) (Decapoda, Anomura). Crustaceana 85 (1), S. 89 - 102 (2012)
Eilers, E. J.; Talarico, G.; Hansson, B.; Hilker, M.; Reinecke, A.: Sensing the underground – ultrastructure and function of sensory organs in root-feeding Melolontha melolontha (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) larvae. PLoS One 7 (7), e41357 (2012)
Getahun, M. N.; Wicher, D.; Hansson, B.; Olsson, S.: Temporal response dynamics of Drosophila olfactory sensory neurons depends on receptor type and response polarity. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 6, 54 (2012)
Hansson, B.; Helander, P.; Larsson, N.: Svenska universiteten kan inte förnya forskningen (Swedish universities can not renew research). Svenska Dagbladet March 17 (2012)
Hünefeld, F.; Mißbach, C.; Beutel, R. G.: The morphology and evolution of the female postabdomen of Holometabola (Insecta). Arthropod Structure & Development 41 (4), S. 361 - 371 (2012)
Jacquin-Joly, E.; Legeai, F.; Montagné, N.; Monsempes, C.; François, M.-C.; Poulain, J.; Gavory, F.; Walker III, W. B.; Hansson, B.; Larsson, M. C.: Candidate chemosensory genes in female antennae of the noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis. International Journal of Biological Sciences 8 (7), S. 1036 - 1050 (2012)
Knaden, M.; Strutz, A.; Ahsan, J.; Sachse, S.; Hansson, B.: Spatial representation of odorant valence in an insect brain. Cell Reports 1, S. 392 - 399 (2012)
Knaden, M.; Tinaut, A.; Stökl, J.; Cerda, X.; Wehner, R.: Molecular phylogeny of the desert ant genus Cataglyphis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 16, S. 123 - 132 (2012)
Krång, A.-S.; Knaden, M.; Steck, K.; Hansson, B.: Transition from sea to land: olfactory function and constraints in the terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), S. 3510 - 3519 (2012)
Krieger, J.; Grandy, R.; Drew, M.; Erland, S.; Stensmyr, M. C.; Harzsch, S.; Hansson, B.: Giant robber crabs monitored from space: GPS-based telemetric studies on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). PLoS One 7 (11), e49809 (2012)
Krieger, J.; Sombke, A.; Seefluth, F.; Kenning, M.; Hansson, B.; Harzsch, S.: Comparative brain architecture of the European shore crab Carcinus maenas (Brachyura), the common hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (Anomura) with notes on other marine hermit crabs. Cell and Tissue Research 348, S. 47 - 69 (2012)
Kübler, L.; Schubert, M.; Karpati, Z.; Hansson, B.; Olsson, S.: Antennal lobe processing correlates to moth olfactory behavior. The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (17), S. 5772 - 5782 (2012)
Lebréton, S.; Becher, P.G.; Hansson, B.; Witzgall, P.: Attraction of Drosophila melanogaster males to food-related and fly odours. Journal of Insect Physiology 58, S. 125 - 129 (2012)
Olsson, S.; Hansson, B.: A flux capacitor for moth pheromones. Chemical Senses 37 (4), S. 295 - 298 (2012)
Polanska, M.; Tuchina, O.; Agricola, H.; Hansson, B.; Harzsch, S.: Neuropeptide complexity in the crustacean central olfactory pathway: immunolocalization of A-type allatostatins and RFamide-like peptides in the brain of a terrestrial hermit crab. Molecular Brain 5, 29 (2012)
Pregitzer, P.; Schubert, M.; Breer, H.; Hansson, B.; Sachse*, S.; Krieger*, J.: Plant odorants interfere with detection of sex pheromone signals by male Heliothis virescens. * joined senior authorship. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 6, 42 (2012)
Saveer, A. M.; Kromann, S. H.; Birgersson, G.; Bengtsson, M.; Lindblom, T.; Balkenius, A.; Hansson, B.; Witzgall, P.; Becher, P. G.; Ignell, R.: Floral to green: mating switches moth olfactory coding and preference. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1737), S. 2314 - 2322 (2012)
Schiebe, C.; Hammerbacher, A.; Birgersson, G.; Witzell, J.; Brodelius, P. E.; Gershenzon, J.; Hansson, B.; Krokene, P.; Schlyter, F.: Inducibility of chemical defenses in Norway spruce bark is correlated with unsuccessful mass attacks by the spruce bark beetle. Oecologia 170 (1), S. 183 - 198 (2012)
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