Abteilung Evolutionäre Neuroethologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (389)

Mukunda, L.; Lavista Llanos, S.; Hansson, B. S.; Wicher, D.: Dimerisation of the Drosophila odorant co-receptor Orco. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 8, 261 (2014)
Mukunda, L.; Miazzi, F.; Kaltofen, S.; Hansson, B. S.; Wicher, D.: Calmodulin modulates insect odorant receptor function. Cell Calcium 55, S. 191 - 199 (2014)
Saveer, A. M.; Becher, P. G.; Birgersson, G.; Hansson, B. S.; Witzgall, P.; Bengtsson, M.: Mate recognition and reproductive isolation in the sibling species Spodoptera littoralis and Spodoptera litura. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 18 (2014)
Schubert, M.; Hansson, B.; Sachse, S.: The banana code—natural blend processing in the olfactory circuitry of Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Physiology 5, 59 (2014)
Siju, K.P.; Reifenrath, A.; Scheiblich, H.; Neupert, S.; Predel, R.; Hansson, B. S.; Schachtner, J.; Ignell, R.: Neuropeptides in the antennal lobe of the Yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 522, S. 592 - 608 (2014)
Stacconi, M. V. R.; Hansson, B.; Rybak, J.; Romani, R.: Comparative neuroanatomy of the antennal lobes of 2 homopteran species. Chemical Senses 39 (4), S. 283 - 294 (2014)
Strutz, A.; Soelter, J.; Baschwitz, A.; Farhan, A.; Grabe, V.; Rybak, J.; Knaden, M.; Schmuker, M.; Hansson, B. S.; Sachse, S.: Decoding odor quality and intensity in the Drosophila brain. eLife 3, e04147 (2014)
Thoma, M.; Hansson, B. S.; Knaden, M.: Compound valence is conserved in binary odor mixtures in Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (20), S. 3645 - 3655 (2014)
Tuchina, O.; Groh, K.; Talarico, G.; Müller, C. H. G.; Wielsch, N.; Hupfer, Y.; Svatoš, A.; Grosse-Wilde, E.; Hansson, B. S.: Morphology and histochemistry of the aesthetasc-associated epidermal glands in terrestrial hermit crabs of the genus Coenobita (Decapoda: Paguroidea). PLoS One 9 (5), e96430 (2014)
Allmann, S.; Späthe, A.; Bisch-Knaden, S.; Kallenbach, M.; Reinecke, A.; Sachse, S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Hansson, B.: Feeding-induced rearrangement of green leaf volatiles reduces moth oviposition. eLife 2013 (2), e00421 (2013)
Anderson, P.; Sadek, M. M.; Larsson, M.; Hansson, B.; Thöming, G.: Larval host plant experience modulates both mate finding and oviposition choice in a moth. Animal Behaviour 85, S. 1169 - 1175 (2013)
Andersson, M. N.; Grosse-Wilde, E.; Keeling, C. I.; Bengtsson, J. M.; Yuen, M. M.; Li, M.; Hillbur, Y.; Bohlmann, J.; Hansson, B.; Schlyter, F.: Antennal transcriptome analysis of the chemosensory gene families in the tree killing bark beetles, Ips typographus and Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). BMC Genomics 14, 198 (2013)
Bühlmann, C.; Hansson, B.; Knaden, M.: Flexible weighing of olfactory and vector information in the desert ant Cataglyphis fortis. Biology Letters 9, 20130070 (2013)
Date, P.; Dweck, H.; Stensmyr, M. C.; Shann, J.; Hansson, B. S.; Rollmann, S. M.: Divergence in olfactory host plant preference in D. mojavensis in response to cactus host use. PLoS One 8 (7), e70027 (2013)
Drew, M.; Smith, M.J.; Hansson, B.: Factors influencing growth of giant terrestrial robber crab Birgus latro (Anomura: Coenobitidae) on Christmas Island. Aquatic Biology 19, S. 129 - 141 (2013)
Dweck, H.; Ebrahim, S.; Kromann, S.; Bown, D.; Hillbur, Y.; Sachse, S.; Hansson, B.; Stensmyr, M. C.: Olfactory preference for egg laying on Citrus substrates in Drosophila. Current Biology 23 (24), S. 2472 - 2480 (2013)
Farhan, A.; Gulati, J.; Grosse-Wilde, E.; Vogel, H.; Hansson, B.; Knaden, M.: The CCHamide 1 receptor modulates sensory perception and olfactory behavior in starved Drosophila. Scientific Reports 3, 2765 (2013)
Getahun, M. N.; Olsson, S.; Lavista Llanos, S.; Hansson, B.; Wicher, D.: Insect odorant response sensitivity is tuned by metabotropically autoregulated olfactory receptors. PLoS One 8 (3), e58889 (2013)
Karpati, Z.; Knaden, M.; Reinecke, A.; Hansson, B.: Intraspecific combinations of flower and leaf volatiles act together in attracting hawkmoth pollinators. PLoS One 8 (9), e72805 (2013)
Knaden, M.; Hansson, B.: Specialized but flexible. Science 339 (6116), S. 151 - 152 (2013)
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