Publikationen von W. Boland

Zeitschriftenartikel (464)

Boland, W.; Gabler, A.: Biosynthesis of homoterpenes in higher plants. Helvetica Chimica Acta 72 (2), S. 247 - 253 (1989)
Boland, W.; Hoever, F. P.; Krueger, B. W.: Application of molecular modelling techniques to pheromones of the marine brown algae Cutleria multifida and Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae) metalloproteins as chemoreceptors? Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 44 (9-10), S. 829 - 837 (1989)
Boland, W.; König, W. A.; Krebber, R.; Müller, D. G.: Separation of enantiomeric algal pheromones and related hydrocarbons by gas-liquid chromatography on modified cyclodextrins as chiral stationary phases biosynthetic relevance of racemic by-products. Helvetica Chimica Acta 72 (6), S. 1288 - 1300 (1989)
Gäbler, A.; Boland, W.: Biosynthesis of homoterpenes in higher plants: Stereochemical implications. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 370 (8), S. 791 (1989)
Goergen, G.; Boland, W.: Biosynthesis of 1 Alkenes in higher plants stereochemical implications a model study with Carthamus tinctorius Asteraceae. European Journal of Biochemistry 185 (2), S. 237 - 242 (1989)
Görgen, G.; Boland, W.; Preiss, U.; Simon, H.: Synthesis of chiral 12‐phenyl(2H)dodecanoic acids: Useful metabolic probes for the biosynthesis of 1‐alkenes from fatty acids. Helvetica Chimica Acta 72 (5), S. 917 - 929 (1989)
Konig, W. A.; Lutz, S.; Wenz, G.; Gorgen, G.; Neumann, C.; Gabler, A.; Boland, W.: Gas-chromatographic determination of the enantiomeric composition of epoxy alcohols. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 28 (2), S. 178 - 179 (1989)
König, W. A.; Lutz, S.; Wenz, G.; Görgen, G.; Neumann, C.; Gäbler, A.; Boland, W.: Gaschromatographische Bestimmung der Enantiomerenzusammensetzung von Epoxyalkoholen. Angewandte Chemie 101 (2), S. 180 - 181 (1989)
Krause, A.; Musso, H.; Boland, W.; Ahlrichs, R.; Gleiter, R.; Boese, R.; Bar, M.: All-cis-1,4,7,10-cyclododecatetraene - X-ray structure-analysis and photoelectron-spectrum. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 28 (10), S. 1379 - 1381 (1989)
Neumann, C.; Boland, W.: Biosynthesis of algal pheromones - stereochemical course of fatty-acid cyclization. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 370 (8), S. 792 - 792 (1989)
Boland, W.: Chemical signals in sexual reproduction of marine brown algae. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 369 (1), S. 7 (1988)
Maier, I.; Muller, D. G.; Schmid, C.; Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.: Pheromone receptor specificity and threshold concentrations for spermatozoid release in Laminaria digitata. Die Naturwissenschaften 75 (5), S. 260 - 263 (1988)
Mettal, U.; Boland, W.; Beyer, P.; Kleinig, H.: Biosynthesis of monoterpene hydrocarbons by isolated chromoplasts from daffodil flowers. European Journal of Biochemistry 170 (3), S. 613 - 616 (1988)
Mueller, D. G.; Boland, W.; Becker, U.; Wahl, T.: Caudoxirene, the spermatozoid-releasing and attracting factor in the marine brown alga Perithalia caudata (Phaeophyceae, Sporochnales). Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 369 (8), S. 655 - 659 (1988)
Boland, W.: Hydrostatic Models of Molecular Clouds - Comparison of Equilibrium and Time-Dependent Chemistry. Iau Symposia (120), S. 257 - 257 (1987)
Boland, W.: Chemische Kommunikation bei der sexuellen Fortpflanzung mariner Braunalgen. Biologie in unserer Zeit 17 (6), S. 176 - 185 (1987)
Boland, W.; Flegel, U.; Jordt, G.: Absolute configuration and enantiomer composition of hormosirene. Die Naturwissenschaften 74 (9), S. 448 - 449 (1987)
Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.; Muller, D. G.; Gassmann, G.: Giffordene, 2Z, 4Z, 6E, 8Z-undecatetraene, is the odoriferous principle of the marine brown alga Giffordia mitchellae. Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 43 (4), S. 466 - 468 (1987)
Boland, W.; Mueller, D. G.: On the odor of the Mediterranean seaweed Dictyopteris membranacea; New C11 hydrocarbons from marine brown algae - III. Tetrahedron Letters 28 (3), S. 307 - 310 (1987)
Boland, W.; Niedermeyer, U.: Enantioselective reduction of vicinally substituted monocyclic aldehydes with horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase: a new approach to chiral alcohols and aldehydes. Synthesis-Stuttgart 1987 (1), S. 28 - 32 (1987)
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