Publikationen von W. Boland

Zeitschriftenartikel (464)

Boland, W.; Frößl, C.; Lorenz, M.: Esterolytic and lipolytic enzymes in organic-synthesis. Synthesis 1991 (12), S. 1049 - 1072 (1991)
Boland, W.; Gabler, A.; Feng, Z. F.: Oxidative bond-cleavage reactions in nature - an ubiquitous route to olefinic substructures. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 372 (8), S. 527 - 527 (1991)
Campos, N.; Feldwisch, J.; Zettl, R.; Boland, W.; Schell, J.; Palme, K.: Identification of auxin-binding proteins using an improved assay for photoaffinity labeling with tritiated 5-N-3-7 indole-3-acetic acid. Technique 3 (2), S. 69 - 75 (1991)
Frössl, C.; Boland, W.: Evaluation of the steric course of enoyl reduction in higher plants and insects via coupling to 1-alkene biosynthesis. A model study with Carthamus tinctorius (Asteraceae) and Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae). Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (24), S. 1731 - 1733 (1991)
Frossl, C.; Boland, W.: Simple Method for the Evaluation of the Stereochemical Course of Enoyl Reductases in Plant and Insect Metabolism. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 372 (8), S. 529 - 529 (1991)
Gaebler, A.; Boland, W.; Preiss, U.; Simon, H.: Stereochemical studies on homoterpene biosynthesis in higher plants; mechanistic, phylogenetic, and ecological aspects. Helvetica Chimica Acta 74 (8), S. 1773 - 1789 (1991)
List, B.; Feld, A.; Boland, W.; Lichtenthaler, H. K.: Inhibition of plant de-novo fatty acid biosynthesis by cerulenin and its synthetic derivatives. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 372 (8), S. 535 - 536 (1991)
Frenzel, M.; Dettner, K.; Boland, W.; Erbes, P.: Identification and biological significance of 4-methyl-3Z,5-hexadienoic acid produced by males of the gall-forming tephritidsUrophora cardui (L.) andUrophora stylata (Fab.) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 46 (5), S. 542 - 547 (1990)
Gorgen, G.; Fross, C.; Boland, W.; Dettner, K.: Biosynthesis of 1-alkenes in the defensive secretions of Tribolium confusum (Tenebrionidae); stereochemical implications. Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 46 (7), S. 700 - 704 (1990)
Keitel, J.; Fischer-Lui, I.; Boland, W.; Mueller, D. G.: Novel C9 and C11 hydrocarbons from the brown alga Cutleria multifida; sigmatropic and electrocyclic reactions in nature. Part VI. Helvetica Chimica Acta 73 (8), S. 2101 - 2112 (1990)
Laqua, G.; Musso, H.; Boland, W.; Ahlrichs, R.: Force field calculations (MM2) of carbon lattices. Journal of the American Chemical Society 112 (20), S. 7391 - 7392 (1990)
Muller, D. G.; Kawai, H.; Stache, B.; Folster, E.; Boland, W.: Sexual pheromones and gamete chemotaxis in Analipus japonicus (Phaeophyceae). Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 46 (5), S. 534 - 536 (1990)
Muller, D. G.; Westermeier, R.; Peters, A.; Boland, W.: Sexual reproduction of the antarctic brown alga Ascoseira mirabilis (Ascoseirales, Phaeophyceae). Botanica Marina 33 (3), S. 251 - 255 (1990)
Neumann, C.; Boland, W.: Chiral [2H]-labelled methylene groups in trienoic and dienoic fatty acids a facile approach via asymmetric epoxidation of [2H] allyl alcohols. Helvetica Chimica Acta 73 (3), S. 754 - 761 (1990)
Neumann, C.; Boland, W.: Stereochemical studies on algal pheromone biosynthesis. A model study with the flowering plant Senecio isatideus (Asteraceae). European Journal of Biochemistry 191 (2), S. 453 - 459 (1990)
Phillips, J. A.; Clayton, M. N.; Maier, I.; Boland, W.; Müller, D. G.: Multifidene, the spermatozoid attractant of Zonaria angustata (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta). British Phycological Journal 25 (3), S. 295 - 298 (1990)
Phillips, J. A.; Clayton, M. N.; Maier, I.; Boland, W.; Müller, D. G.: Sexual reproduction in Dictyota diemensis (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta). Phycologia 29 (3), S. 367 - 379 (1990)
Skuballa, N.; Musso, H.; Boland, W.: Synthesis of trishomohypostrophene, trishomohypostrophenone, trishomopentaprismane and trishomopentaprismanone. Tetrahedron Letters 31 (4), S. 497 - 500 (1990)
Wirth, D.; Boland, W.: Structure and synthesis of (±)‐caudoxirene, a new spermatozoid‐releasing and ‐attracting pheromone from the marine brown alga Perithalia caudata (Phaeophyceae, Sporochnales). Part V. Helvetica Chimica Acta 73 (4), S. 916 - 921 (1990)
Boland, W.: Biosynthesis of 1 alkenes in higher plants stereochemical implications. Planta Medica 55 (7), S. 593 (1989)
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