Publikationen von Christian Paetz

Zeitschriftenartikel (107)

Rubiano-Buitrago, P. A.; Pradhan, S.; Paetz, C.; Rowland, H. M.: New structures, spectrometric quantification, and inhibitory properties of cardenolides from Asclepias curassavica seeds. Molecules 28 (1), 105 (2022)
Dudek, B.; Warskulat, A.-C.; Vogel, H.; Wielsch, N.; Menezes, R. C.; Hupfer, Y.; Paetz, C.; Gebauer-Jung, S.; Svatoš, A.; Schneider, B.: An integrated—omics/chemistry approach unravels enzymatic and spontaneous steps to form flavoalkaloidal nudicaulin pigments in flowers of Papaver nudicaule L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (8), 4129 (2021)
Easson, M. L. A. E.; Malka, O.; Paetz, C.; Hojná, A.; Reichelt, M.; Stein, B.; van Brunschot, S.; Feldmesser, E.; Campbell, L.; Colvin, J. et al.; Winter, S.; Morin, S.; Gershenzon, J.; Giddings Vassão, D.: Activation and detoxification of cassava cyanogenic glucosides by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Scientific Reports 11, 13244 (2021)
Huber, M.; Roder, T.; Irmisch, S.; Riedel, A.; Gablenz, S.; Fricke, J.; Rahfeld, P.; Reichelt, M.; Paetz, C.; Liechti, N. et al.; Hu, L.; Bont, Z.; Meng, Y.; Huang, W.; Robert, A. C.; Gershenzon, J.; Erb, M.: A beta-glucosidase of an insect herbivore determines both toxicity and deterrence of a dandelion defense metabolite. eLife 10, e68642 (2021)
Li, J.; Halitschke, R.; Li, D.; Paetz, C.; Su, H.; Heiling, S.; Xu, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Controlled hydroxylations of diterpenoids allow for plant chemical defense without autotoxicity. Science 371 (6526), S. 255 - 260 (2021)
Li, L.; Huang, J.; Lyu, H.; Guan, F.; Li, P.; Tian, M.; Xu, S.; Zhao, X.; Liu, F.; Paetz, C. et al.; Fenga, X.; Chen, Y.: Two lathyrane diterpenoid stereoisomers containing an unusual trans-gem-dimethylcyclopropane from the seeds of Euphorbia lathyris. RSC Advances 11 (5), S. 3183 - 3189 (2021)
Otgon, O.; Nadmid, S.; Paetz, C.; Dahse, H.-M.; Voigt, K.; Bartram, S.; Boland, W.; Dagvadorj, E.: Chromane derivatives from underground parts of Iris tenuifolia and their in vitro antimicrobial, cytotoxicity and antiproliferative evaluation. Molecules 26 (21), 6705 (2021)
Rahman-Soad, A.; Dávila-Lara, A.; Paetz, C.; Mithöfer, A.: Plumbagin, a potent naphthoquinone from Nepenthes plants with growth inhibiting and larvicidal activities. Molecules 26 (4), 825 (2021)
Rodríguez‐López, C. E.; Hong, B.; Paetz, C.; Nakamura, Y.; Koudounas, K.; Passeri, V.; Baldoni, L.; Alagna, F.; Calderini, O.; O’Connor, S. E.: Two bi-functional cytochrome P450 CYP72 enzymes from olive (Olea europaea) catalyze the oxidative C-C bond cleavage in the biosynthesis of secoxy-iridoids – flavor and quality determinants in olive oil. New Phytologist 229 (4), S. 2288 - 2301 (2021)
Schmiech, M.; Ulrich, J.; Lang, S. J.; Büchele, B.; Paetz, C.; St‑Gelais, A.; Syrovets, T.; Simmet, T.: 11-keto-alpha-boswellic acid, a novel triterpenoid from Boswellia spp. with chemotaxonomic potential and antitumor activity against triple-negative breast cancer cells. Molecules 26 (2), 366 (2021)
Tremmel, M.; Paetz, C.; Heilmann, J.: In vitro liver metabolism of six flavonoid C-glycosides. Molecules 26 (21), 6632 (2021)
Trenti, F.; Yamamoto, K.; Hong, B.; Paetz, C.; Nakamura, Y.; O’Connor, S. E.: Early and late steps of quinine biosynthesis. Organic Letters 23 (5), S. 1793 - 1797 (2021)
Wirth, S.; Krause, K.; Kunert, M.; Broska, S.; Paetz, C.; Boland, W.; Kothe, E.: Function of sesquiterpenes from Schizophyllum commune in interspecific interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 16 (1), e0245623 (2021)
Zare, S.; Hatam, G.; Firuzi, O.; Bagheri, A.; Chandran, J. N.; Schneider, B.; Paetz, C.; Pirhadi, S.; Jassbi, A. R.: Antileishmanial and pharmacophore modeling of abietane-type diterpenoids extracted from the roots of Salvia hydrangea. Journal of Molecular Structure 1228, 129447 (2021)
Dong, C.; Dolke, F.; Bandi, S.; Paetz, C.; von Reuss, S. H.: Dimerization of conserved ascaroside building blocks generates species-specific male attractants in Caenorhabditis nematodes. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 18 (27), S. 5253 - 5263 (2020)
Israni, B.; Wouters, F. C.; Luck, K.; Seibel, E.; Ahn, S.-J.; Paetz, C.; Reinert, M.; Vogel, H.; Erb, M.; Heckel, D. G. et al.; Gershenzon, J.; Giddings Vassão, D.: The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda utilizes specific UDP-glycosyltransferases to inactivate maize defensive benzoxazinoids. Frontiers in Physiology 11, 604754 (2020)
Lackus, N.; Müller, A. T.; Kröber, T.; Reichelt, M.; Schmidt, A.; Nakamura, Y.; Paetz, C.; Luck, K.; Lindroth, R. L.; Constabel, C. P. et al.; Unsicker, S.; Gershenzon, J.; Köllner, T. G.: The occurrence of sulfated salicinoids in poplar and their formation by sulfotransferase 1. Plant Physiology 183 (1), S. 137 - 151 (2020)
Lang, S. J.; Schmiech, M.; Hafner, S.; Paetz, C.; Werner, K.; Gaafary, M. E.; Schmidt, C. Q.; Syrovets, T.; Simmet, T.: Chrysosplenol d, a flavonol from Artemisia annua, induces ERK1/2-mediated apoptosis in triple negative human breast cancer cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (11), 4090 (2020)
Malka, O.; Easson, M. L. A. E.; Paetz, C.; Götz, M.; Reichelt, M.; Stein, B.; Luck, K.; Stanišić, A.; Juravel, K.; Santos-Garcia, D. et al.; Mondaca, L. L.; Springate, S.; Colvin, J.; Winter, S.; Gershenzon, J.; Morin, S.; Giddings Vassão, D.: Glucosylation prevents plant defense activation in phloem-feeding insects. Nature Chemical Biology 16, S. 1429 - 1426 (2020)
Nemesio-Gorriz, M.; Menezes, R. C.; Paetz, C.; Hammerbacher, A.; Steenackers, M.; Schamp, K.; Höfte, M.; Svatoš, A.; Gershenzon, J.; Douglas, G. C.: Canditate metabolites for ash dieback tolerance in Fraxinus excelsior. The Journal of Experimental Biology 71 (19), S. 6074 - 6083 (2020)
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