Publikationen von W. Boland

Buchkapitel (20)

Boland, W.; Pantke, S.: Zn(Cu/Ag). In: Encyclopedia of reagents for organic synthesis, S. 5557 - 5558 (Hg. Paquette, L. A.). Wiley, Chichester [u.a.] (1995)
Boland, W.; Feng, Z.; Donath, J.: Oxidative bond cleavage; a general pathway to irregular terpenoids. In: Flavor Precursors, S. 123 - 136 (Hg. Schreier, P.). Allured Publ. Comp., Wheaton, Ill. (1993)
Boland, W.: Oxidative Bindungsspaltung, eine ubiquitäre Reaktion des (Sekundär)Stoffwechsels? In: 40 Jahre Fonds der Chemischen Industrie 1950 - 1990: Wissenschaftliche Beiträge von Dozenten-Stipendiaten, S. 73 - 82. Verb. d. chem. Ind, Frankfurt/Main (1990)
Boland, W.: Odoriferous Polyene Hydrocarbons from Marine and Terrestrial Plants. In: Bioflavour '87: analysis, biochemistry, biotechnology ; proceedings of the International Conference, Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 29 - 30, 1987, S. 199 - 220 (Hg. Schreier, P.). de Gruyter, Berlin [u.a.] (1988)
Boland, W.; Ney, P.; Jaenicke, L.; Gassmann, G.: A „Closed-Loop-Stripping“ Technique as a Versatile Tool for Metabolic Studies of Volatiles. In: Analysis of volatiles: Methods and applications ; International Workshop, Proceedings, S. 371 - 380 (Hg. Schreier, P.). Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin ; New York (1984)

Buch (1)

Adam, G.; Anke, H.; Boland, W.; Breiling, M.; Donath, J.; Francke, W.; Fugmann, B.; Hansske, F. G.; Hartmann, T.; Hatanaka, S.-I. et al.; Höfle, G.; Hopp, R.; Huber, U.; Huneck, S.; Kusch, D.; Lang-Fugmann, S.; Moeschler, H.; Montforts, F.-P.; Peter, M.; Piel, J.; Schick, H.; Schliemann, W.; Schmidt, J.; Schreiber, K.; Schütte, H.-R.; Schulz, S.; Stanjek, V.; Steffan, B.; Steglich, W.; Stöckigt, J.; Strack, D.; Surburg, H.; Thiem, J.; Weber, N.; Weinges, K.; Werkhoff, P.; Witte, L.; Zeeck, A.; Zinsmeister, H. D.: Roempp encyclopedia natural products. Thieme, Stuttgart (2000)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Schmid, D.; Nagasato, C.; Muck, A.; Loele, A.; Svatoš, A.; Motomura, T.; Boland, W.: Sex-related proteins in Scytosiphon lomentaria (Phaeophyceae) - a comparative proteomic approach. Phycologia 48 (4), S. 116 - 116 (2009)
Ping, L.; Spiteller, D.; Boland, W.: Plant defense-inducing N-acylgutamines from insect guts: structural diversity and microbe-assisted biosyntheses. In: The BCPC International Congress - Crop Science and Technology 2003. The BCPC International Congress - Crop Science and Technology 2003, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre. (2003)
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