Publikationen von T. M. Fenning

Buchkapitel (9)

Main, G. D.; Williamson, A.; Irvine, R. J.; Fenning, T. M.; Mala, J.; Gartland, K. M. A.: The use of green fluorescent protein (gfp) as a reporter gene in tree genetic manipulations. In: Tree Biotechnology: towards the Millennium, S. 315 - 320 (Hg. Davey, M. R.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham (1998)
Corchete, M. P.; Fenning, T. M.; Gartland, J. S.; Valle, T.: Micropropagation of Ulmus species (Elms). In: High-tech and Micropropagation V, S. 381 - 392 (Hg. Bajaj, Y. P. S.). Springer, Berlin (1997)
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