Publikationen von Hannah M. Rowland

Zeitschriftenartikel (59)

Rubiano-Buitrago, P. A.; Pradhan, S.; Paetz, C.; Rowland, H. M.: New structures, spectrometric quantification, and inhibitory properties of cardenolides from Asclepias curassavica seeds. Molecules 28 (1), 105 (2022)
Skelhorn, J.; Rowland, H. M.: Eyespot configuration and predator approach direction affect the antipredator efficacy of eyespots. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 951967 (2022)
Hämäläinen, L.; Hoppitt, W.; Rowland, H. M.; Mappes, J.; Fulford, A. J.; Thorogood, S. S. R.: Social transmission in the wild can reduce predation pressure on novel prey signals. Nature Communications 12, 3978 (2021)
Heyworth, H. C.; Skelhorn, J.; Rowland, H. M.: Dietary wariness. Current Biology 31 (21), S. R1412 - R1413 (2021)
Hämäläinen, L.; Mappes, J.; Rowland, H. M.; Teichmann, M.; Thorogood, R.: Social learning within and across predator species reduces attacks on novel aposematic prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (5), S. 1153 - 1164 (2020)
Hämäläinen, L.; Mappes, J.; Thorogood, R.; Valkonen, J. K.; Karttunen, K.; Salmi, T.; Rowland, H. M.: Predators’ consumption of unpalatable prey does not vary as a function of bitter taste perception. Behavioral Ecology 31 (2), S. 383 - 392 (2020)
Rowland, H. M.; Burriss, R. P.; Skelhorn, J.: The antipredator benefits of postural camouflage in peppered moth caterpillars. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21654 (2020)
Eacock, A.; Rowland, H. M.; van’t Hof, A. E.; Yung, C. J.; Edmonds, N.; Saccheri, I. J.: Adaptive colour change and background choice behaviour in peppered moth caterpillars is mediated by extraocular photoreception. Communications Biology 2, 286 (2019)
Hämäläinen, L.; Mappes, J.; Rowland, H. M.; Thorogood, R.: Social information use about novel aposematic prey is not influenced by a predator's previous experience with toxins. Functional Ecology 33 (10), S. 1982 - 1992 (2019)
Hämäläinen, L.; Rowland, H. M.; Mappes, J.; Thorogood, R.: The effect of social information from live demonstrators compared to video playback on blue tit foraging decisions. PeerJ 7, e7998 (2019)
Calatroni, L.; van Gennip, Y.; Schönlieb, C. B.; Rowland, H. M.; Flenner, A.: Graph clustering, variational image segmentation methods and hough transform scale detection for object measurement in images. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 57 (2), S. 269 - 291 (2017)
Cuthill, I. C.; Allen, W. L.; Arbuckle, K.; Caspers, B.; Chaplin, G.; Hauber, M. E.; Hill, G. E.; Jablonski, N. G.; Jiggins, C. D.; Kelber, A. et al.; Mappes, J.; Marshall, J.; Merrill, R.; Osorio, D.; Prum, R.; Roberts, N. W.; Roulin, A.; Rowland, H. M.; Sherratt, T. N.; Skelhorn, J.; Speed, M. P.; Stevens, M.; Stoddard, M. C.; Stuart-Fox, D.; Talas, L.; Tibbetts, E.; Caro, T.: The biology of color. Science 357 (6350), eaan0221 (2017)
Eacock, A.; Rowland, H. M.; Edmonds, N.; Saccheri, I. J.: Colour change of twig-mimicking peppered moth larvae is a continuous reaction norm that increases camouflage against avian predators. PeerJ 5, e3999 (2017)
Hamalainen, L.; Rowland, H. M.; Mappes, J.; Thorogood, R.: Can video playback provide social information for foraging blue tits? PeerJ 5, S. 21 (2017)
Henderson, L. J.; Ryan, M. R.; Rowland, H. M.: Perch, Perca fluviatilis show a directional preference for, but do not increase attacks toward, prey in response to water-borne cortisol. PeerJ 5, e3883 (2017)
Rowland, H. M.; Burriss, R. P.: Human colour in mate choice and competition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 372 (1724), S. 11 (2017)
Rowland, H. M.; Fulford, A. J. T.; Ruxton, G. D.: Predator learning differences affect the survival of chemically defended prey. Animal Behaviour 124, S. 65 - 74 (2017)
Berentsen, A. R.; Bender, S.; Bender, P.; Bergman, D.; Gilbert, A. T.; Rowland, H. M.; VerCauteren, K. C.: Bait flavor preference and immunogenicity of ONRAB baits in domestic dogs on the Navajo Nation, Arizona. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 15, S. 20 - 24 (2016)
Burriss, R. P.; Troscianko, J.; Lovell, P. G.; Fulford, A. J. C.; Stevens, M.; Quigley, R.; Payne, J.; Saxton, T. K.; Rowland, H. M.: Changes in women's facial skin color over the ovulatory cycle are not detectable by the human visual system. PLoS One 10 (7), e0130093 (2015)
Flores, E. E.; Stevens, M.; Moore, A. J.; Rowland, H. M.; Blount, J. D.: Body size but not warning signal luminance influences predation risk in recently metamorphosed poison frogs. Ecology and Evolution 5 (20), S. 4603 - 4616 (2015)
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