Publikationen von Meredith C. Schuman
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (48)
47 (14), S. 5338 - 5353 (2018)
Field studies reveal functions of chemical mediators in plant interactions. Chemical Society Reviews
9, 789 (2018)
The active jasmonate JA-Ile regulates a specific subset of plant jasmonate-mediated resistance to herbivores in nature. Frontiers in Plant Science
29, S. 177 - 186 (2018)
Genomics meets remote sensing in global change studies: monitoring and predicting phenology, evolution and biodiversity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
218 (4), S. 1586 - 1596 (2018)
Aphid (Myzus persicae) feeding on the parasitic plant dodder (Cuscuta australis) activates defense responses in both the parasite and soybean host. New Phytologist 2017
59 (1), S. 44 - 59 (2017)
Sex ratio of mirid populations shifts in response to hostplant co-infestation or altered cytokinin signaling. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
117 (19), S. 12227 - 12280 (2017)
Ecological roles and biological activities of specialized metabolites from the genus Nicotiana. Chemical Reviews
105 (6), S. 1534 - 1546 (2017)
Manipulating two olfactory cues causes a biological control beetle to shift to non-target plant species. Journal of Ecology
114 (34), S. E7205 - E7214 (2017)
Flower-specific jasmonate signaling regulates constitutive floral defenses in wild tobacco. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
59 (12), S. 844 - 850 (2017)
NaMYB8 regulates distinct, optimally distributed herbivore defense traits. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
27 (9), S. 1336 - 1341 (2017)
Tissue-specific emission of (E)-a-bergamotene helps resolve the dilemma when pollinators are also herbivores. Current Biology 2016
58 (7), S. 656 - 668 (2016)
Shifting Nicotiana attenuata's diurnal rhythm does not alter its resistance to the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
39 (8), S. 1749 - 1766 (2016)
Oral secretions from Mythimna separata insects specifically induce defense responses in maize as revealed by high-dimensional biological data. Plant, Cell and Environment
61, S. 373 - 394 (2016)
The layers of plant responses to insect herbivores. Annual Review of Entomology
14, S. 46 - 55 (2016)
How does plant chemical diversity contribute to biodiversity at higher trophic levels? Current opinion in insect science 2015
5 (3), e1391 (2015)
Application of silicone tubing for robust, simple, high-throughput, and time-resolved analysis of plant volatiles in field experiments. Bio-protocol
10 (6), e0127296 (2015)
The sesquiterpenes (E)-beta-farnesene and (E)-alpha-bergamotene quench ozone but fail to protect the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata from ozone, UVB, and drought stresses. PLoS One
4, e04490 (2015)
Plant defense phenotypes determine the consequences of volatile emission for individuals and neighbors. eLife 2014
22, S. 157 - 164 (2014)
MAPK signaling - a key element in plant defense response to insects. Insect Science
78 (6), S. 1060 - 1072 (2014)
A robust, simple, high-throughput technique for time-resolved plant volatile analysis in field experiments. The Plant Journal
44 (1), S. 26 - 32 (2014)
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