Publikationen von Martin Kaltenpoth

Zeitschriftenartikel (134)

Goettler, W.; Kaltenpoth, M.; McDonald, S.; Strohm, E.: Comparative morphology of the symbiont cultivation glands in the antennae of female digger wasps of the genus Philanthus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Frontiers in Physiology 13, 815494 (2022)
Janke, R. S.; Kaftan, F.; Niehs, S. P.; Scherlach, K.; Rodrigues, A.; Svatoš, A.; Hertweck, C.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Flórez, L. V.: Bacterial ectosymbionts in cuticular organs chemically protect a beetle during molting stages. The ISME Journal 16 (12), S. 2691 - 2701 (2022)
Janke, R. S.; Moog, S.; Weiss, B.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Flórez, L. V.: Morphological adaptation for ectosymbiont maintenance and transmission during metamorphosis in Lagria beetles. Frontiers in Physiology 13, 979200 (2022)
Kaltenpoth, M.: Fast track to mutualism. Nature Microbiology 7, S. 1104 - 1105 (2022)
Kanyile, S. N.; Engl, T.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Nutritional symbionts enhance structural defence against predation and fungal infection in a grain pest beetle. The Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (1), jeb243593 (2022)
Kiefer, J. S. T.; Schmidt, G.; Krüsemer, R.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Engl, T.: Wolbachia causes cytoplasmic incompatibility but not male-killing in a grain pest beetle. Molecular Ecology 31 (24), S. 6570 - 6587 (2022)
Salem, H.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Beetle-bacterial symbioses: Endless forms most functional. Annual Review of Entomology 67, S. 201 - 219 (2022)
Shalom, S. R.; Weiss, B.; Lalzar, M.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Chiela, E.: Abundance and localization of symbiotic bacterial communities in the fly parasitoid Spalangia cameroni. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 48 (9), e02549-21 (2022)
Vigneron, A.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Symbiosis: Creating a tractable intracellular insect-microbe association. Current Biology 32 (18), S. R943 - R946 (2022)
Dose, B.; Niehs, S. P.; Scherlach, K.; Shahda, S.; Flórez, L. V.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Hertweck, C.: Biosynthesis of sinapigladioside, an antifungal isothiocyanate from Burkholderia symbionts. Chembiochem 22 (11), S. 1920 - 1924 (2021)
Ganesan, R.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Flórez, L. V.: Transposon-insertion sequencing as a tool to elucidate bacterial colonization factors in a Burkholderia gladioli symbiont of Lagria villosa beetles. Journal of Visualized Experiments 174, e62843 (2021)
Kiefer, J.; Batsukh, S.; Bauer, E.; Hirota, B.; Weiss, B.; Wierz, J.; Fukatsu, T.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Engl, T.: Inhibition of a nutritional endosymbiont by glyphosate abolishes mutualistic benefit on cuticle synthesis in Oryzaephilus surinamensis. Communications Biology 4, 554 (2021)
Nechitaylo, T. Y.; Sandoval-Calderón, M.; Engl, T.; Wielsch, N.; Dunn, D. M.; Goesmann, A.; Strohm, E.; Svatoš, A.; Dale, C.; Weiss, R. B. et al.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Incipient genome erosion and metabolic streamlining for antibiotic production in a defensive symbiont. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (17), e2023047118 (2021)
Wierz, J. C.; Gaube, P.; Klebsch, D.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Flórez, L. V.: Transmission of bacterial symbionts with and without genome erosion between a beetle host and the plant environment. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 715601 (2021)
Bauer, E.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Salem, H.: Minimal fermentative metabolism fuels extracellular symbiont in a leaf beetle. The ISME Journal 14 (3), S. 866 - 870 (2020)
Brückner, A.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Heethoff, M.: De novo biosynthesis of simple aromatic compounds by an arthropod (Archegozetes longisetosus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1934), 20201429 (2020)
Kaltenpoth, M.: An endosymbiont’s journey through metamorphosis of its insect host. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (35), S. 20994 - 20996 (2020)
Kaltenpoth, M.; Flórez, L. V.: Versatile and dynamic symbioses between insects and Burkholderia bacteria. Annual Review of Entomology 65, S. 145 - 170 (2020)
Lemoine, M. M.; Engl, T.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Microbial symbionts expanding or constraining abiotic niche space in insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science 39, S. 14 - 20 (2020)
Niehs, S. P.; Kumpfmueller, J.; Dose, B.; Little, R. F.; Ishida, K.; Florez, L. V.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Hertweck, C.: Insect-associated bacteria assemble the antifungal butenolide gladiofungin by non-canonical polyketide chain termination. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (51), S. 23122 - 23126 (2020)
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