Publikationen von Ian Thomas Baldwin

Zeitschriftenartikel (526)

Kang, M.; Ahn, H.; Rothe, E.; Baldwin, I. T.; Kim, S.-G.: A robust genome-editing method for wild plant species Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Biotechnology Reports 14, S. 585 - 598 (2020)
Li, D.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Gaquerel, E.: Information theory tests critical predictions of plant defense theory for specialized metabolism. Science Advances 6 (24), eaaz0381 (2020)
Li, S.; Joo, Y.; Cao, D.; Li, R.; Lee, G.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, G.; Baldwin, I. T.; Wang, M.: Strigolactone signaling regulates specialized metabolism in tobacco stems and interactions with stem-feeding herbivores. PLoS Biology 18 (8), e3000830 (2020)
McGale, E.; Valim, H.; Mittal, D.; Morales Jimenez, J.; Halitschke, R.; Schuman, M. C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Determining the scale at which variation in a single gene changes population yields. eLife 9, e53517 (2020)
Pradhan, M.; Pandey, P.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: Argonaute4 modulates resistance to Fusarium brachygibbosum infection by regulating jasmonic acid signaling. Plant Physiology 184 (2), S. 1128 - 1152 (2020)
Shen, G.; Liua, N.; Zhang, J.; Xu, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.; Wu, J.: Cuscuta australis (dodder) parasite eavesdrops on the host plants’ FT signals to flower. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 15 (37), S. 23125 - 23130 (2020)
Tseng, Y.-H.; Rouina, H.; Groten, K.; Rajani, P.; Furch, A. C. U.; Reichelt, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Nataraja, K. N.; Shaanker, R. U.; Oelmüller, R.: An endophytic Trichoderma strain promotes growth of its hosts and defends against pathogen attack. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 573670 (2020)
Valim, H.; Dalton, H.; Joo, Y.; McGale, E.; Halitschke, R.; Gaquerel, E.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: TOC1 in Nicotiana attenuata regulates efficient allocation of nitrogen to defense metabolites under herbivory stress. New Phytologist 228 (4), S. 1227 - 1242 (2020)
Xu, S.; Kreitzer, C.; McGale, E.; Lackus, N.; Guo, H.; Köllner, T. G.; Schuman, M. C.; Baldwin, I. T.; Zhou, W.: Allelic differences of clustered terpene synthases contribute to correlated intraspecific variation of floral and herbivory‐induced volatiles in a wild tobacco. New Phytologist 228 (3), S. 1083 - 1096 (2020)
Zou, Y.; Li, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: ZEITLUPE is required for shade avoidance in the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62 (9), S. 1341 - 11351 (2020)
Backmann, P.; Grimm, V.; Jetschke, G.; Lin, Y.; Vos, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; van Dam, N. M.: Delayed chemical defense: Timely expulsion of herbivores can reduce competition with neighboring plants. American Naturalist 193 (1), S. 125 - 139 (2019)
Baldwin, I. T.: What five insects told us about how a native plant copes with real-world problems. Comptes Rendus Biologies 342 (7-8), S. 263 - 265 (2019)
Guo, H.; Halitschke, R.; Wielsch, N.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Mate selection in self-compatible wild tobacco results from coordinated variation in homologous self-incompatibility genes. Current Biology 27 (12), S. 2020 - 2030 (2019)
Haverkamp, A.; Li, X.; Hansson, B. S.; Baldwin, I. T.; Knaden, M.; Yon, F.: Flower movement balances pollinator needs and pollen protection. Ecology 100 (1), e02553 (2019)
He, J.; Fandino, R. A.; Halitschke, R.; Luck, K.; Köllner, T. G.; Murdock, M. H.; Ray, R.; Gase, K.; Knaden, M.; Baldwin, I. T. et al.; Schuman, M. C.: An unbiased approach elucidates variation in (S)-(+)-linalool, a context-specific mediator of a tri-trophic interaction in wild tobacco. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (29), S. 14651 - 14660 (2019)
Joo, Y.; Goldberg, J. K.; Chretien, L.; Kim, S.-G.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: The circadian clock contributes to diurnal patterns of plant indirect defense in nature. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 61 (8), S. 924 - 928 (2019)
Joo, Y.; Schuman, M. C.; Goldberg, J. K.; Wissgott, A.; Kim, S.-G.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivory elicits changes in green leaf volatile production via jasmonate signaling and the circadian clock. Plant, Cell and Environment 42 (3), S. 972 - 982 (2019)
Kessler, D.; Bing, J.; Haverkamp, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: The defensive function of a pollinator‐attracting floral volatile. Functional Ecology 33 (7), S. 1223 - 1232 (2019)
Ling, Z.; Brockmöller, T.; Baldwin, I. T.; Xu, S.: Evolution of alternative splicing in eudicots. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 707 (2019)
Mindt, E.; Wang, M.; Schäfer, M.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Quantification of blumenol derivatives as leaf biomarkers for plant-AMF association. Bio-protocol 9 (14), e3301 (2019)
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