Publikationen von Ian T. Baldwin
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (526)
75 (4), S. 995 - 1002 (1994)
The allometry of nitrogen allocation to growth and an inducible defense under nitrogen-limited growth. Ecology 1993
94, S. 534 - 541 (1993)
Autotoxicity and chemical defense: nicotine accumulation and carbon gain in solanaceous plants. Oecologia
19 (9), S. 2081 - 2087 (1993)
Foliar and floral pyrethrins of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium are not induced by leaf damage. Journal of Chemical Ecology
19 (12), S. 3029 - 3043 (1993)
Damage-induced root nitrogen metabolism in Nicotiana sylvestris: Testing C/N predictions for alkaloid production. Journal of Chemical Ecology
19 (6), S. 1143 - 1153 (1993)
Alkaloidal responses to damage in Nicotiana native to North America. Journal of Chemical Ecology
90 (14), S. 6716 - 6720 (1993)
Circumvention of prey defense by a predator: ant lion vs. ant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1991
16 (10), S. 2823 - 2834 (1991)
Squirting and refilling: Dynamics ofp-benzoquinone production in defensive glands of Diploptera punctata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 1990
5 (3), S. 91 - 93 (1990)
Herbivory simulations in ecological research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
71 (1), S. 252 - 262 (1990)
The reproductive consequences associated with inducible aklaloidal responses in wild tobacco. Ecology 1989
15 (5), S. 1661 - 1680 (1989)
Mechanism of damage-induced alkaloid production in wild tobacco. Journal of Chemical Ecology 1988
75, S. 367 - 370 (1988)
Short-term damage-induced increases in tobacco alkaloids protect plants. Oecologia
77, S. 378 - 381 (1988)
The alkaloidal responses of wild tobacco to real and simulated herbivory. Oecologia
14 (4), S. 1113 - 1120 (1988)
Damage-induced alkaloids in tobacco - pot-bound plants are not inducible. Journal of Chemical Ecology
75, S. 105 - 109 (1988)
Phylogeny and the patterns of leaf phenolics in gap- and forest-adapted Piper and and Miconia understory shrubs. Oecologia
69 (1), S. 267 - 277 (1988)
Relationships among defoliation, red oak phenolics, and gypsy moth growth and reproduction. Ecology 1987
17 (4), S. 21 - 22 (1987)
A model system for induced plant defenses. New York's food and life sciences quarterly
13 (5), S. 1069 - 1078 (1987)
Patterns and sources of leaf tannin variation in yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum). Journal of Chemical Ecology 1985
20 (2), S. 153 - 165 (1985)
Mutagenicity tests with gallic and tannic acid in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 1984
16 (4), S. 421 - 422 (1984)
Tannins lost from sugar maple (Acer saccharum marsh) and yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis britt.) leaf litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
8, S. 25 - 34 (1984)
Demage- and communication-induced changes in yellow birch leaf phenolics. Proc. N. A. Forest Biology Workshop