Publikationen von Georg Pohnert

Zeitschriftenartikel (238)

Jonasdottir, S. H.; Dutz, J.; Koski, M.; Yebra, L.; Jakobsen, H. H.; Vidoudez, C.; Pohnert, G.; Nejstgaard, J. C.: Extensive cross-disciplinary analysis of biological and chemical control of Calanus finmarchicus reproduction during an aldehyde forming diatom bloom in mesocosms. Marine Biology 158 (9), S. 1943 - 1963 (2011)
Nylund, G. M.; Weinberger, F.; Rempt, M.; Pohnert, G.: Metabolomic assessment of induced and activated chemical defence in the invasive red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla. PLoS One 6 (12), e29359 (2011)
Paul, C.; Pohnert, G.: Interactions of the algicidal bacterium Kordia algicida with diatoms: regulated protease excretion for specific algal lysis. PLoS One 6 (6), e21032 (2011)
Paul, C.; Pohnert, G.: Production and role of volatile halogenated compounds from marine algae. Natural Product Reports 28 (2), S. 186 - 195 (2011)
Rempt, M.; Schneider, B.; Pohnert, G.: A reactive conjugated allene involved in the biosynthesis of volatile oxylipins in the moss Dicranum scoparium. Organic Letters 13, S. 3229 - 3231 (2011)
Saha, M.; Rempt, M.; Grosser, K.; Pohnert, G.; Weinberger, F.: Surface-associated fucoxanthin mediates settlement of bacterial epiphytes on the rockweed Fucus vesiculosus. Biofouling 27 (4), S. 423 - 433 (2011)
Sneed, J. M.; Pohnert, G.: The green macroalga Dictyosphaeria ocellata influences the structure of the bacterioplankton community through differential effects on individual bacterial phylotypes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 75 (2), S. 242 - 254 (2011)
Sneed, J. M.; Pohnert, G.: The green alga Dicytosphaeria ocellata and its organic extracts alter natural bacterial biofilm communities. Biofouling 27 (4), S. 347 - 356 (2011)
Spielmeyer, A.; Gebser, B.; Pohnert, G.: Dimethylsulfide sources from microalgae: Improvement and application of a derivatization-based method for the determination of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and other zwitterionic osmolytes in phytoplankton. Marine Chemistry 124 (1-4), S. 48 - 56 (2011)
Spielmeyer, A.; Gebser, B.; Pohnert, G.: Investigations of the uptake of dimethylsulfoniopropionate by phytoplankton. Chembiochem 12 (15), S. 2276 - 2279 (2011)
Vehmaa, A.; Larsson, P.; Vidoudez, C.; Pohnert, G.; Reinikainen, M.; Engstrom-Ost, J.: How will increased dinoflagellate:diatom ratios affect copepod egg production? - A case study from the Baltic Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 401 (1-2), S. 134 - 140 (2011)
Vidoudez, C.; Casotti, R.; Bastianini, M.; Pohnert, G.: Quantification of dissolved and particulate polyunsaturated aldehydes in the Adriatic Sea. Marine Drugs 9 (4), S. 500 - 513 (2011)
Vidoudez, C.; Nejstgaard, J. C.; Jakobsen, H. H.; Pohnert, G.: Dynamics of dissolved and particulate polyunsaturated aldehydes in mesocosms inoculated with different densities of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Marine Drugs 9 (3), S. 345 - 358 (2011)
Weinberger, F.; Lion, U.; Delage, L.; Kloareg, B.; Potin, P.; Beltran, J.; Flores, V.; Faugeron, S.; Correa, J.; Pohnert, G.: Up-regulation of lipoxygenase, phospholipase, and oxylipin-production in the induced chemical defense of the red alga Gracilaria chilensis against epiphytes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37 (7), S. 677 - 686 (2011)
Welling, M.; Ross, C.; Pohnert, G.: A desulfatation-oxidation cascade activates coumarin-based cross-linkers in the wound reaction of the giant unicellular alga Dasycladus vermicularis. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 50 (33), S. 7691 - 7694 (2011)
Barofsky, A.; Simonelli, P.; Vidoudez, C.; Troedsson, C.; Nejstgaard, J. C.; Jakobsen, H. H.; Pohnert, G.: Growth phase of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi influences the metabolic profile of the cells and the selective feeding of the copepod Calanus spp. Journal of Plankton Research 32 (3), S. 263 - 272 (2010)
Croisier, E.; Rempt, M.; Pohnert, G.: Survey of volatile oxylipins and their biosynthetic precursors in bryophytes. Phytochemistry 71 (5-6), S. 574 - 580 (2010)
Dittami, S. M.; Wichard, T.; Malzahn, A. M.; Pohnert, G.; Boersma, M.; Wiltshire, K. H.: Culture conditions affect fatty acid content along with wound-activated production of polyunsaturated aldehydes in Thalassiosira rotula (Coscinodiscophyceae). Nova Hedwigia 136 (231), S. 231 - 248 (2010)
Pohnert, G.: Chemical noise in the silent ocean. Journal of Plankton Research 32 (2), S. 141 - 144 (2010)
Prince, E. K.; Pohnert, G.: Searching for signals in the noise: metabolomics in chemical ecology. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 396 (1), S. 193 - 197 (2010)
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