Publikationen von J. Gershenzon

Zeitschriftenartikel (478)

Erbilgin, N.; Krokene, P.; Christiansen, E.; Zeneli, G.; Gershenzon, J.: Exogenous application of methyl jasmonate elicits defenses in Norway spruce (Picea abies) and reduces host colonization by the bark beetle Ips typographus. Oecologia 148 (3), S. 426 - 436 (2006)
Gershenzon, J.; Croteau, R.: Rod Croteau: 35 years of terrific terpene biochemistry. Phytochemistry 67 (15), S. 1562 - 1563 (2006)
Gershenzon, J.; West, C.: A talent for terpenes: A biographical sketch of Rod Croteau. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 448 (1-2), S. 1 - 2 (2006)
Halkier, B. A.; Gershenzon, J.: Biology and biochemistry of glucosinolates. Annual Review of Plant Biology 57, S. 303 - 333 (2006)
Klein, M.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Papenbrock, J.: The three desulfoglucosinolate sulfotransferase proteins in Arabidopsis have different substrate specificities and are differentially expressed. The FEBS Journal 273 (1), S. 122 - 136 (2006)
Knudsen, J. T.; Eriksson, R.; Gershenzon, J.; Stahl, B.: Diversity and distribution of floral scent. The Botanical Review 72 (1), S. 1 - 120 (2006)
Köllner, T.; O'Maille, P. E.; Gatto, N.; Boland, W.; Gershenzon, J.; Degenhardt, J.: Two pockets in the active site of maize sesquiterpene synthase TPS4 carry out sequential parts of the reaction scheme resulting in multiple products. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 448 (1-2), S. 83 - 92 (2006)
Mewis, I.; Tokuhisa, J. G.; Schultz, J. C.; Appel, H. M.; Ulrichs, C.; Gershenzon, J.: Gene expression and glucosinolate accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to generalist and specialist herbivores of different feeding guilds and the role of defense signaling pathways. Phytochemistry 67 (22), S. 2450 - 2462 (2006)
Phillips, M. A.; Bohlmann, J.; Gershenzon, J.: Molecular regulation of included terpenoid biosynthesis in conifers. Phytochemistry Reviews 5 (1), S. 179 - 189 (2006)
Pichersky, E.; Sharkey, T. D.; Gershenzon, J.: Plant volatiles: a lack of function or a lack of knowledge? Trends in Plant Science 11 (9), S. 421 (2006)
Schnee, C.; Köllner, T. G.; Held, M.; Turlings, T. C. J.; Gershenzon, J.; Degenhardt, J.: The products of a single maize sesquiterpene synthase form a volatile defense signal that attracts natural enemies of maize herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (4), S. 1129 - 1134 (2006)
Schuster, J.; Knill, T.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Binder, S.: Branched-chain aminotransferase4 is part of the chain elongation pathway in the biosynthesis of methionine-derived glucosinolates in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 18 (10), S. 2664 - 2679 (2006)
Skirycz, A.; Reichelt, M.; Burow, M.; Birkemeyer, C.; Rolcik, J.; Kopka, J.; Zanor, M. I.; Gershenzon, J.; Strnad, M.; Szopa, J. et al.; Mueller-Roeber, B.; Witt, I.: DOF transcription factor AtDof1.1 (OBP2) is part of a regulatory network controlling glucosinolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 47 (1), S. 10 - 24 (2006)
Vergara, F.; Svatoš, A.; Schneider, B.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Wittstock, U.: Glycine conjugates in a lepidopteran insect herbivore - The metabolism of benzylglucosinolate in the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae. Chembiochem 7 (12), S. 1982 - 1989 (2006)
Zeneli, G.; Krokene, P.; Christiansen, E.; Krekling, T.; Gershenzon, J.: Methyl jasmonate treatment of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees increases the accumulation of terpenoid resin components and protects against infection by Ceratocystis polonica, a bark beetle-associated fungus. Tree Physiology 26 (8), S. 977 - 988 (2006)
D'Auria, J.; Gershenzon, J.: The secondary metabolism of Arabidopsis thaliana: growing like a weed. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8 (3), S. 308 - 316 (2005)
Dudareva, N.; Andersson, S.; Orlova, I.; Gatto, N.; Reichelt, M.; Rhodes, D.; Boland, W.; Gershenzon, J.: The nonmevalonate pathway supports both monoterpene and sesquiterpene formation in snapdragon flowers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102 (3), S. 933 - 938 (2005)
Hirai, M.; Klein, M.; Fujikawa, Y.; Yano, M.; Goodenowe, D.; Yamazaki, Y.; Kanaya, S.; Nakamura, Y.; Kitayama, M.; Suzuki, H. et al.; Sakurai, N.; Shibata, D.; Tokuhisa, J.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Papenbrock, J.; Saito, K.: Functional identification of unknown genes by integration of metabolomics and transcriptomics. Plant and Cell Physiology 46 (Suppl. S), S. S61 (2005)
Hirai, M. Y.; Klein, M.; Fujikawa, Y.; Yano, M.; Goodenowe, D. B.; Yamazaki, Y.; Kanaya, S.; Nakamura, Y.; Kitayama, M.; Suzuki, H. et al.; Sakurai, N.; Shibata, D.; Tokuhisa, J.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Papenbrock, J.; Saito, K.: Elucidation of gene-to-gene and metabolite-to-gene networks in Arabidopsis by integration of metabolomics and transcriptomics. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (27), S. 25590 - 25595 (2005)
Jost, R.; Altschmied, L.; Bloem, E.; Bogs, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Hähnel, U.; Hänsch, R.; Hartmann, T.; Kopriva, S.; Kruse, C. et al.; Mendel, R. R.; Papenbrock, J.; Reichelt, M.; Rennenberg, H.; Schnug, E.; Schmidt, A.; Textor, S.; Tokuhisa, J.; Wachter, A.; Wirtz, M.; Rausch, T.; Hell, R.: Expression profiling of metabolic genes in response to methyl jasmonate reveals regulation of genes of primary and secondary sulfur-related pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. Photosynthesis Research 86 (3), S. 491 - 508 (2005)
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