Publikationen von Aleš Svatoš
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Zeitschriftenartikel (242)
136 (3), S. 203 - 211 (2012)
Identification of two components of the female sex pheromone of the sugarcane-borer Diatraea flavipennella (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Journal of Applied Entomology
13, 587 (2012)
Combining proteomics and transcriptome sequencing to identify active plant-cell-wall-degrading enzymes in a leaf beetle. BMC Genomics
38, S. 408 - 417 (2012)
Identification and synthesis of a male-produced pheromone for the neotropical root weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology
84 (7), S. 3417 - 3426 (2012)
Identifying the unknowns by aligning fragmentation trees. Analytical Chemistry
57 (2012)
In situ mass spetrometric visualiation of surface chemistry of plants and insects. Biomedizinische Technik
11 (10), S. 4947 - 4960 (2012)
Determination of 15N-incorporation into plant proteins and their absolute quantitation: a new tool to study nitrogen flux dynamics and protein pool sizes elicited by plant-herbivore interactions. Journal of Proteome Research
38, S. 1133 - 1142 (2012)
Cuticular hydrocarbons of the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus: variability with sex and age. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2011
78 (2), S. 104 - 118 (2011)
Metabolic detoxification of capsaicin by UDP-glycosyltransferase in three Helicoverpa species. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
192, S. 713 - 726 (2011)
Conservation and clade-specific diversification of pathogen-inducible tryptophan and indole glucosinolate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana relatives. New Phytologist
10, S. 2633 - 2642 (2011)
Comparative proteomic analysis of Helicoverpa armigera cells undergoing apoptosis. Journal of Proteome Research
11 (9), S. 1840 - 1850 (2011)
MALDI-Imaging mass spectrometry–an emerging technique in plant biology. Proteomics
37 (4), S. 420 - 427 (2011)
Rapid identification of insect cuticular hydrocarbons using gas chromatography—ion-trap mass spectrometry. Journal of Chemical Ecology
11, S. 65 - 72 (2011)
Isolation of activity and partial characterization of large non-proteinaceous lytic allelochemicals produced by the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Harmful Algae
72, S. 49 - 58 (2011)
The biosynthetic origin of oxygen functions in phenylphenalenones of Anigozanthos preissii inferred from NMR- and HRMS-based isotopologue analysis. Phytochemistry
83, S. 1243 - 1251 (2011)
Computing fragmentation trees from tandem mass spectrometry data. Analytical Chemistry
83 (13), S. 5037 - 5044 (2011)
Single-cell metabolomics comes of age: new developments in mass spectrometry profiling and imaging. Analytical Chemistry 2010
152 (3), S. 1705 - 1715 (2010)
Glucanases and chitinases as causal agents in the protection of Acacia extrafloral nectar from infestation by phytopathogens. Plant Physiology
398, S. 198 - 202 (2010)
Isolating intact chloroplasts from small Arabidopsis samples for proteomic studies in stress physiology. Analytical Biochemistry
6, S. 261 - 263 (2010)
Symbiotic streptomycetes provide antibiotic combination prophylaxis for wasp offspring. Nature Chemical Biology
10 (3), S. 320 - 325 (2010)
Lithographically patterned silicon nanowire arrays for matrix free LDI-TOF/MS analysis of lipids. Lab on a Chip