Publikationen von Sybille Unsicker
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Zeitschriftenartikel (72)
45 (2), S. 162 - 177 (2019)
Specificity of herbivore defense responses in a woody plant, black poplar (Populus nigra). Journal of Chemical Ecology
162, S. 333 - 344 (2019)
Isotope labeling reveals contribution of newly fixed carbon to carbon storage and monoterpenes production under water deficit and carbon limitation. Environmental and Experimental Botany
19, 58 (2019)
Plant volatile emission depends on the species composition of the neighboring plant community. BMC Plant Biology
42 (12), S. 3293 - 3307 (2019)
Aboveground phytochemical responses to belowground herbivory in poplar trees and the consequence for leaf herbivore preference. Plant, Cell and Environment
221 (2), S. 960 - 975 (2019)
Salicylic acid activates poplar defense against the biotrophic rust fungus Melampsora larici‐populina via increased biosynthesis of catechin and proanthocyanidins. New Phytologist
10, 1441 (2019)
Accumulation of catechin and proanthocyanidins in black poplar stems after infection by Plectosphaerella populi: hormonal regulation, biosynthesis and antifungal activity. Frontiers in Plant Science 2018
220 (3), S. 760 - 772 (2018)
Leaf rust infection reduces herbivore-induced volatile emission in black poplar and attracts a generalist herbivore. New Phytologist
9, 1733 (2018)
Rust infection of black poplar trees reduces photosynthesis but does not affect isoprene biosynthesis or emission. Frontiers in Plant Science
8, 17936 (2018)
The occurrence and formation of monoterpenes in herbivoredamaged poplar roots. Scientific Reports
187 (2), S. 377 - 388 (2018)
Phytochemical variation in treetops: causes and consequences for tree-insect herbivore interactions. Oecologia 2017
220 (3), S. 739 - 749 (2017)
Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: biosynthetic constraints and eco-evolutionary implications. New Phytologist
303 (5), S. 653 - 662 (2017)
Growth form rather than phylogenetic relationship predicts broad volatile emission patterns in the Brassicaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution
175 (4), S. 1560 - 1578 (2017)
Flavan-3-ols are an effective chemical defense against rust infection. Plant Physiology 2016
78, S. 39 - 49 (2016)
Metabolism of poplar salicinoids by the generalist herbivore Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
9 (3), S. 254 - 257 (2016)
Short-distance attraction of saproxylic Heteroptera to olfactory cues. Insect Conservation and Diversity
42 (5), S. 382 - 393 (2016)
Feeding experience affects the behavioral response of polyphagous gypsy moth caterpillars to herbivore-induced poplar volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecology
84, S. 114 - 127 (2016)
Leaf-mining by Phyllonorycter blancardella reprograms the host-leaf transcriptome to modulate phytohormones associated with nutrient mobilization and plant defense. Journal of Insect Physiology 2015
34, S. 167 - 266 (2015)
Fungal Planet description sheets: 320–370. Persoonia
96 (11), S. 2923 - 2934 (2015)
Herbivore preference drives plant community composition. Ecology
10 (9), e0136073 (2015)
Light and nutrient dependent responses in secondary metabolites of Plantago lanceolata offspring are due to phenotypic plasticity in experimental grasslands. PLoS One