Publikationen von Georg Pohnert

Zeitschriftenartikel (238)

Bondoc, K. G.; Lembke, C.; Vyverman, W.; Pohnert, G.: Searching for a mate: Pheromone-directed movement of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta. Microbial Ecology 72 (2), S. 287 - 294 (2016)
Cirri, E.; Grosser, K.; Pohnert, G.: A solid phase extraction based non-disruptive sampling technique to investigate the surface chemistry of macroalgae. Biofouling 32 (2), S. 145 - 153 (2016)
Ding, S.; Schwab, V. F.; Ueberschaar, N.; Roth, V.-N.; Lange, M.; Xu, Y.; Gleixner, G.; Pohnert, G.: Identification of novel 7-methyl and cyclopentanyl branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry 102, S. 52 - 58 (2016)
Hammann, M.; Rempt, M.; Pohnert, G.; Wang, G.; Boo, S. M.; Weinberger, F.: Increased potential for wound activated production of Prostaglandin E2 and related toxic compounds in non-native populations of Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Harmful Algae 51, S. 81 - 88 (2016)
Liu, L.; Pohnert, G.; Wei, D.: Extracellular metabolites from industrial microalgae and their biotechnological potential. Marine Drugs 14 (10), 191 (2016)
Moeys, S.; Frenkel, J.; Lembke, C.; Gillard, J. T. F.; Devos, V.; den Berge, K. V.; Bouillon, B.; Huysman, M. J. J.; Decker, S. D.; Scharf, J. et al.; Bones, A.; Brembu, T.; Winge, P.; Sabbe, K.; Vuylsteke, M.; Clement, L.; Veylder, L. D.; Pohnert, G.; Vyverman, W.: A sex-inducing pheromone triggers cell cycle arrest and mate attraction in the diatom Seminavis robusta. Scientific Reports 6, 19252 (2016)
Pohnert, G.: Im Glashaus leben, wachsen, sich vermehren. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 64 (12), S. 1145 - 1147 (2016)
Pree, B.; Kuhlisch, C.; Pohnert, G.; Sazhin, A. F.; Jakobsen, H. H.; Paulsen, M. L.; Frischer, M. E.; Stoecker, D.; Nejstgaard, J. C.; Larsen, A.: A simple adjustment to test reliability of bacterivory rates derived from the dilution method. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 14 (2), S. 114 - 123 (2016)
Ray, J. L.; Althammer, J.; Skaar, K. S.; Simonelli, P.; Larsen, A.; Stoecker, D.; Sazhin, A.; Ijaz, U. Z.; Quince, C.; Nejstgaard, J. C. et al.; Frischer, M.; Pohnert, G.; Troedsson, C.: Metabarcoding and metabolome analyses of copepod grazing reveal feeding preference and linkage to metabolite classes in dynamic microbial plankton communities. Molecular Ecology 25 (21), S. 5585 - 5602 (2016)
Rickert, E.; Wahl, M.; Link, H.; Richter, H.; Pohnert, G.: Seasonal variations in surface metabolite composition of Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus from the Baltic Sea. PLoS One 11 (12), e0168196 (2016)
Ritter, M.; Seidel, R. A.; Bellstedt, P.; Schneider, B.; Bauer, M.; Görls, H.; Pohnert, G.: Isolation and identification of intermediates of the oxidative bilirubin degradation. Organic Letters 18 (17), S. 4432 - 4435 (2016)
Selander, E.; Heuschele, J.; Nylund, G. M.; Pohnert, G.; Pavia, H.; Bjaerke, O.; Pender-Healy, L. A.; Tiselius, P.; Kiorboe, T.: Solid phase extraction and metabolic profiling of exudates from living copepods. PeerJ 4, e1529 (2016)
Eick, K.; Pohnert, G.: Simplifying complexity in metabolomics. Chemistry & Biology 22 (5), S. 567 - 568 (2015)
Gonçalves, A. C. S.; Franco, T.; Califano, G.; Dowd, S. E.; Pohnert, G.; Costab, R.: Draft genome sequence of Vibrio sp. strain Vb278, an antagonistic bacterium isolated from the marine sponge Sarcotragus spinosulus. Microbiology Resource Announcement 3 (3), e00521-15 (2015)
Kuhlisch, C.; Pohnert, G.: Metabolomics in chemical ecology. Natural Product Reports 32 (7), S. 937 - 955 (2015)
Kurth, C.; Cavas, L.; Pohnert, G.: Sulfation mediates activity of zosteric acid against biofilm formation. Biofouling 31 (3), S. 253 - 263 (2015)
Kurth, C.; Welling, M.; Pohnert, G.: Sulfated phenolic acids from Dasycladales siphonous green algae. Phytochemistry 117, S. 417 - 423 (2015)
Mausz, M. A.; Pohnert, G.: Phenotypic diversity of diploid and haploid Emiliania huxleyi cells and of cells in different growth phases revealed by comparative metabolomics. Journal of Plant Physiology 172, S. 137 - 148 (2015)
Omori, Y.; Tanimoto, H.; Inomata, S.; Wada, S.; Thume, K.; Pohnert, G.: Enhancement of dimethylsulfide production by anoxic stress in natural seawater. Geophysical Research Letters 42 (10), S. 4047 - 4053 (2015)
Rickert, E.; Karsten, U.; Pohnert, G.; Wahl, M.: Seasonal fluctuations in chemical defenses against macrofouling in Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus from the Baltic Sea. Biofouling 31 (4), S. 363 - 377 (2015)
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