
Entomologie (Emeritus Gruppe)

Zeitschriftenartikel (504)

Amado, D.; Koch, E. L.; Cordeiro, E. M. G.; Araujo, W. A.; Garcia, A. A. F.; Heckel, D. G.; Montejo-Kovacevich, G.; North, H. L.; Corrêa, A. S.; Jiggins, C. D. et al.; Omoto, C.: The genetic architecture of resistance to flubendiamide insecticide in Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner). PLOS ONE 20 (1), e0318154 (2025)
Beran, F.; Heckel, D. G.: Escalation by duplication: Milkweed bug trumps Monarch butterfly. Molecular Ecology 33 (14), e17443 (2024)
Gikonyo, M. W.; Ahn, S.-J.; Biondi, M.; Fritzlar, F.; Okamura, Y.; Vogel, H.; Köllner, T. G.; Şen, I.; Hernández-Teixidor, D.; Lee, C.-F. et al.; Letsch, H.; Beran, F.: A radiation of Psylliodes flea beetles on Brassicaceae is associated with the evolution of specific detoxification enzymes. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, qpad197, S. 127 - 145 (2024)
Güney, G.; Cedden, D.; Hänniger, S.; Hegedus, D. D.; Heckel, D. G.; Toprak, U.: Peritrophins are involved in the defense against Bacillus thuringiensis and nucleopolyhedrovirus formulations in Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 166, 104073 (2024)
Liu, Z.; Liao, C.; Zou, L.; Jin, M.; Shan, Y.; Quan, Y.; Yao, H.; Zhang, L.; Wang, P.; Liu, Z. et al.; Wang, N.; Li, A.; Liu, K.; Heckel, D. G.; Wu, K.; Xiao, Y.: Retrotransposon-mediated disruption of a chitin synthase gene confers insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Vip3Aa toxin. PLOS Biology 22 (7), e3002704 (2024)
Medina van Berkum, P.; Schmöckel, E.; Bischoff, A.; Carrasco-Farias, N.; Catford, J. A.; Feldmann, R.; Groten, K.; Henry, H. A. L.; Bucharova, A. L.; Hänniger, S. et al.; Luong, J. C.; Meis, J.; Oetama, V. S.; Pärtel, M.; Power, S. A.; Villellas, J.; Welk, E.; Wingler, A.; Rothe, B.; Gershenzon, J.; Reichelt, M.; Roscher, C.; Unsicker, S.: Plant geographic distribution influences chemical defences in native and introduced Plantago lanceolata populations. Functional Ecology 38 (4), S. 883 - 896 (2024)
Badenes-Pérez, F. R.: Plant glucosinolate content and host-plant preference and suitability in the small white butterfly (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and comparison with another specialist Lepidopteran. Plants 12 (11), 2148 (2023)
Badenes-Pérez, F. R.; Heckel, D. G.: Intraspecific and interstage similarities in host-plant preference in the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Horticulturae 9 (1), 39 (2023)
de Fouchier, A.; Fruitet, E.; Lievers, R.; Kuperus, P.; Emerson, J.; Gould, F.; Heckel, D. G.; Groot, A. T.: Lipases and carboxylesterases affect moth sex pheromone compounds involved in interspecific mate recognition. Nature Communications 14, 7505 (2023)
Jin, M.; Shan, Y.; Peng, Y.; Wang, W.; Zhang, H.; Liu, K.; Heckel, D. G.; Wu, K.; Tabashnik, B. E.; Xiao, Y.: Downregulation of a transcription factor associated with resistance to Bt toxin Vip3Aa in the invasive fall armyworm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (44), e2306932120 (2023)
Mazumdar, T.; Hänniger, S.; Shukla, S. P.; Murali, A.; Bartram, S.; Heckel, D. G.; Boland, W.: 8-HQA adjusts the number and diversity of bacteria in the gut microbiome of Spodoptera littoralis. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1075557 (2023)
Salvia, R.; Scieuzo, C.; Boschi, A.; Pezzi, M.; Mistri, M.; Munari, C.; Chicca, M.; Vogel, H.; Cozzolino, F.; Monaco, V. et al.; Monti, M.; Falabella, P.: An overview of ovarian calyx fluid proteins of Toxoneuron nigriceps (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): An integrated transcriptomic and proteomic approach. Biomolecules 13 (10), 1547 (2023)
Shin, N. R.; Okamura, Y.; Kirsch, R.; Pauchet, Y.: Genome sequencing provides insights into the evolution of gene families encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes in longhorned beetles. Insect Molecular Biology 32 (5), S. 469 - 483 (2023)
Wortel, M. T.; Agashe, D.; Bailey, S. F.; Bank, C.; Bisschop, K.; Blankers, T.; Cairns, J.; Colizzi, E. S.; Cusseddu, D.; Desai, M. M. et al.; van Dijk, B.; Egas, M.; Ellers, J.; Groot, A. T.; Heckel, D. G.; Johnson, M. L.; Kraaijeveld, K.; Krug, J.; Laan, L.; Lässig, M.; Lind, P. A.; Meijer, J.; Noble, L. M.; Okasha, S.; Rainey, P. B.; Rozen, D. E.; Shitut, S.; Tans, S. J.; Tenaillon, O.; Teotónio, H.; de Visser, J. A. G. M.; Visser, M. E.; Vroomans, R. M. A.; Werner, G. D. A.; Wertheim, B.; Pennings, P. S.: Towards evolutionary predictions: Current promises and challenges. Evolutionary Applications 16 (1), S. 3 - 21 (2023)
Bras, A.; Roy, A.; Heckel, D. G.; Anderson, P.; Green, K. K.: Pesticide resistance in arthropods: Ecology matters too. Ecology Letters 25 (8), S. 1746 - 1759 (2022)
Deans, C. A.; Sword, G. A.; Vogel, H.; Behmer, S. T.: Quantity versus quality: Effects of diet protein-carbohydrate ratios and amounts on insect herbivore gene expression. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 145, 103773 (2022)
Fu, J.; Xu, S.; Lu, H.; Li, F.; Li, S.; Chang, L.; Heckel, D. G.; Bock, R.; Zhang, J.: Resistance to RNA interference by plant-derived double-stranded RNAs but not plant-derived short interfering RNAs in Helicoverpa armigera. Plant, Cell and Environment 45 (6), S. 1930 - 1941 (2022)
Haeger, W.; Pauchet, Y.; Kirsch, R.: Evolution of polygalacturonases and polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins: A view beyond the classical perspective. Annual Plant Reviews 5 (1), S. 81 - 122 (2022)
Heckel, D. G.: Perspectives on gene copy number variation and pesticide resistance. Pest Management Science 78 (1), S. 12 - 18 (2022)
Jacobs, C. G. C.; van der Hulst, R.; Chen, Y.-T.; Williamson, R. P.; Roth, S.; van der Zee, M.: Immune function of the serosa in hemimetabolous insect eggs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1865), 20210266 (2022)
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