Abteilung Biochemie

Zeitschriftenartikel (751)

Falk, K. L.; Vogel, C.; Textor, S.; Bartram, S.; Hick, A.; Pickett, J. A.; Gershenzon, J.: Glucosinolate biosynthesis: demonstration and characterization of the condensing enzyme of the chain elongation cycle in Eruca sativa. Phytochemistry 65, S. 1073 - 1084 (2004)
Fenning, T. M.: Fraud offers big rewards for relatively little risk - We need to change the over-competitive culture that promotes publishing at all costs. Nature 427 (6973), S. 393 (2004)
Hietala, A. M.; Kvaalen, H.; Schmidt, A.; Johnk, N.; Solheim, H.; Fossdal, C. G.: Temporal and spatial profiles of chitinase expression by Norway spruce in response to bark colonization by Heterobasidion annosum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (7), S. 3948 - 3953 (2004)
Hoballah, M. E.; Kollner, T. G.; Degenhardt, J.; Turlings, T. C. J.: Costs of induced volatile production in maize. Oikos 105 (1), S. 168 - 180 (2004)
Köllner, T.; Schnee, C.; Gershenzon, J.; Degenhardt, J.: The variability of sesquiterpenes emitted from two Zea mays cultivars is controlled by allelic variation of two terpene synthase genes encoding stereoselective multiple product enzymes. The Plant Cell 16 (5), S. 1115 - 1131 (2004)
Kollner, T. G.; Schnee, C.; Gershenzon, J.; Degenhardt, J.: The sesquiterpene hydrocarbons of maize (Zea mays) form five groups with distinct developmental and organ-specific distributions. Phytochemistry 65 (13), S. 1895 - 1902 (2004)
Kunert, G.; Roese, U. S. R.; Gershenzon, J.; Weisser, W. W.: Wing induction in aphids: A new function of aphid alarm pheromone. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting Abstracts, S. 284 (2004)
Röse, U. S. R.; Tumlinson, J. H.: Volatiles released from cotton plants in response to Helicoverpa zea feeding damage on cotton flower buds. Planta 218 (5), S. 824 - 832 (2004)
Szoke, E.; Maday, E.; Gershenzon, J.; Allen, J. L.; Lemberkovics, E.: beta-eudesmol, a new sesquiterpene component in intact and organized root of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita). Journal of Chromatographic Science 42 (5), S. 229 - 233 (2004)
Szoke, E.; Maday, E.; Gershenzon, J.; Lemberkovics, E.: Terpenoids in genetically transformed cultures of chamomile. Chromatographia 60 (Suppl S), S. S269 - S272 (2004)
Textor, S.; Bartram, S.; Kroymann, J.; Falk, K. L.; Hick, A.; Pickett, J. A.; Gershenzon, J.: Biosynthesis of methionine-derived glucosinolates in Arabidopsis thaliana: recombinant expression and characterization of methylthioalkylmalate synthase, the condensing enzyme of the chain-elongation cycle. Planta 218 (6), S. 1026 - 1035 (2004)
Tholl, D.; Kish, C. M.; Orlova, I.; Sherman, D.; Gershenzon, J.; Pichersky, E.; Dudareva, N.: Formation of monoterpenes in Antirrhinum majus and Clarkia breweri flowers involves heterodimeric geranyl diphosphate synthases. The Plant Cell 16 (4), S. 977 - 992 (2004)
Wittstock, U.; Agerbirk, N.; Stauber, E. J.; Olsen, C. E.; Hippler, M.; Mitchell-Olds, T.; Gershenzon, J.; Vogel, H.: Successful herbivore attack due to metabolic diversion of a plant chemical defense. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (14), S. 4859 - 4864 (2004)
Zeneli, G.; Dida, M.; Ducci, F.; Habili, D.: Silver fir (Abies alba) resources in Albania and their conservation. Forest Genetic Resources 31, S. 44 - 49 (2004)
Brown, P. D.; Tokuhisa, J. G.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.: Variation of glucosinolate accumulation among different organs and developmental stages of Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry 62 (3), S. 471 - 481 (2003)
Chen, F.; D'Auria, J.; Tholl, D.; Ross, J. R.; Gershenzon, J.; Noel, J. P.; Pichersky, E.: An Arabidopsis thaliana gene for methylsalicylate biosynthesis, identified by a biochemical genomics approach, has a role in defense. The Plant Journal 36 (5), S. 577 - 588 (2003)
Chen, F.; Tholl, D.; D'Auria, J.; Farooq, A.; Pichersky, E.; Gershenzon, J.: Biosynthesis and emission of terpenoid volatiles from Arabidopsis flowers. The Plant Cell 15 (2), S. 481 - 494 (2003)
Degenhardt, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Baldwin, I. T.; Kessler, A.: Attracting friends to feast on foes: engineering terpene emission to make crop plants more attractive to herbivore enemies. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 14 (2), S. 169 - 176 (2003)
Fäldt, J.; Arimura, G.; Gershenzon, J.; Takabayashi, J.; Bohlmann, J.: Functional identification of AtTPS03 as (E)-beta-ocimene synthase: a monoterpene synthase catalyzing jasmonate- and wound-induced volatile formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 216 (5), S. 745 - 751 (2003)
Fenning, T. M.; Gershenzon, J.: European agbiotech crisis? Nature Biotechnology 21, 360 (2003)
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