Publikationen von Susan E. Trumbore
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Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
162, S. 333 - 344 (2019)
Isotope labeling reveals contribution of newly fixed carbon to carbon storage and monoterpenes production under water deficit and carbon limitation. Environmental and Experimental Botany
222 (1), S. 144 - 158 (2019)
Eyes on the future – evidence for trade-offs between growth, storage and defense in Norway spruce. New Phytologist
55 (3), S. 2104 - 2121 (2019)
14C-free carbon is a major contributor to cellular biomass in geochemically distinct groundwater of shallow sedimentary bedrock aquifers. Water Resources Research 2018
126, S. 1 - 12 (2018)
In situ production of core and intact bacterial and archaeal tetraether lipids in groundwater. Organic Geochemistry
52 (23), S. 13811 - 13823 (2018)
New perspectives on CO2, temperature, and light effects on BVOC emissions using online measurements by PTR-MS and cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology