International Max Planck Research School "Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems"

Publikationen von Ahmed Mohamed

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Mohamed, A.; Sachse, S.: Everyone on their own! Individualization of synaptic boutons. Neuron 106 (6), S. 875 - 878 (2020)
Mohamed, A.; Hansson, B. S.; Sachse, S.: Third-order neurons in the lateral horn enhance bilateral contrast of odor inputs through contralateral inhibition in Drosophila. Frontiers in Physiology 10, 851 (2019)
Mohamed, A. M. M.; Retzke, T.; Das Chakraborty, S.; Fabian, B.; Hansson, B. S.; Knaden, M.; Sachse, S.: Odor mixtures of opposing valence unveil inter-glomerular crosstalk in the Drosophila antennal lobe. Nature Communications 10, 1201 (2019)
Dweck, H.; Ebrahim, S.; Thoma, M.; Mohamed, A.; Keesey, I.; Trona, F.; Lavista Llanos, S.; Svatoš, A.; Sachse, S.; Knaden, M. et al.: Pheromones mediating copulation and attraction in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (21), S. E2829 - E2835 (2015)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Mohamed, A.: Olfactory information processing in the Drosophila's Brain. Dissertation, 154 S., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2019)