Publications with IMPRS doctoral researchers
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
12, 1379868 (2025)
How hosts and pathogens choose the strengths of defense and counterdefense: a game-theoretical view. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Journal Article
301 (1), 108019 (2025)
Independent evolution of plant natural products: Formation of benzoxazinoids in Consolida orientalis (Ranunculaceae). Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal Article
21, pp. 131 - 142 (2025)
Incorporation of nitrogen in antinutritional Solanum alkaloid biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology
Journal Article
64 (5), e202418306 (2025)
Biosynthetic origin of the methoxy group in quinine and related alkaloids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Journal Article
51, 21 (2025)
Oviposition dynamics and niche utilization in two sympatric Drosophila species. Journal of Chemical Ecology
Journal Article
16, 767 (2025)
Preference for and resistance to a toxic sulfur volatile opens up a unique niche in Drosophila busckii. Nature Communications
Journal Article
88, pp. 77 - 84 (2025)
Engineering of insect juvenile hormone III biosynthesis in the plant Nicotiana benthamiana. Metabolic Engineering
Journal Article
28 (2), e70007 (2025)
A fungal endophyte alters poplar leaf chemistry, deters insect feeding and shapes insect community assembly. Ecology Letters Preprint (2)
Unravelling evolution in the homoploid complex of Baccharis L. in Chile. Authorea (2025)
BAHD news from Euphorbia peplus: identification of acyltransferase enzymes involved in ingenane diterpenoid biosynthesis. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)