Publications with IMPRS doctoral researchers
Journal Article (53)
Journal Article
329, pp. 1075 - 1078 (2010)
Insects betray themselves in nature to predators by rapid isomerization of green leaf volatiles. Science
Journal Article
33 (12), pp. 2028 - 2040 (2010)
Oxylipin channelling in Nicotiana attenuata: Lipoxygenase 2 supplies substrates for green leaf volatile production. Plant, Cell and Environment
Journal Article
62 (1), pp. 124 - 134 (2010)
Methyl salicylate production in tomato affects biotic interactions. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
153 (4), pp. 1907 - 1918 (2010)
Variation in antiherbivore defense responses in synthetic Nicotiana allopolyploids correlates with changes in uniparental patterns of gene expression. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
36 (7), pp. 768 - 777 (2010)
Pheromone-based mating and aggregation in the sorghum chafer, Pachnoda interrupta. Journal of Chemical Ecology
Journal Article
152 (4), pp. 2232 - 2242 (2010)
Silencing NaTPI expression increases nectar germin, nectarins and hydrogen peroxide levels and inhibits nectar removal from plants in nature. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
5 (8), pp. 932 - 936 (2010)
Do ethylene response factors-9 and -14 repress PR gene expression in the interaction between Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis? Plant Signaling & Behavior
Journal Article
185 (4), pp. 1062 - 1073 (2010)
Ethylene signalling and ethylene-targeted transcription factors are required to balance beneficial and nonbeneficial traits in the symbiosis between the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist
Journal Article
73, pp. 587 - 603 (2010)
Terpene synthases of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and their roles in the pathway and regulation of terpene biosynthesis. Plant Molecular Biology
Journal Article
19 (s1), pp. 240 - 254 (2010)
Characterization of a hotspot for mimicry: assembly of a butterfly wing transcriptome to genomic sequence at the HmYb/Sb locus. Molecular Ecology
Journal Article
35 (2), pp. 126 - 138 (2010)
Being a generalist herbivore in a diverse world: how do diets from different grasslands influence food plant selection and fitness of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus? Ecological Entomology
Journal Article
5 (5), pp. 610 - 613 (2010)
New insights into mechanisms regulating differential accumulation of phenylpropanoid-polyamine conjugates (PPCs) in herbivore-attacked Nicotiana attenuata plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior
Journal Article
58, pp. 9418 - 9427 (2010)
Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry method for induced changes in Nicotiana attenuata leaves during simulated herbivory. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal Article
10, p. 66 (2010)
SuperSAGE analysis of the Nicotiana attenuata transcriptome after fatty acid-amino acid elicitation (FAC): Identification of early mediators of insect responses. BMC Plant Biology
Journal Article
5 (1), p. e8735 (2010)
Unbiased transcriptional comparisons of generalist and specialist herbivores feeding on progressively defenseless Nicotiana attenuata plants. PLoS ONE
Journal Article
35 (s1), pp. 105 - 118 (2010)
The roles and interactions of reproductive isolation mechanisms in fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) host strains. Ecological Entomology
Journal Article
22 (12), pp. 4158 - 4175 (2010)
Serine protease inhibitors specifically defend Solanum nigrum against generalist herbivores but do not influence plant growth and development. The Plant Cell
Journal Article
12 (9), pp. 3045 - 3059 (2010)
Ecological fits, mis-fits and lotteries involving insect herbivores on the invasive plant, Bunias orientalis. Biological Invasions
Journal Article
5 (6), e11188 (2010)
Aphid wing induction and ecological costs of alarm pheromone emission under field conditions. PLoS One
Journal Article
10, 60 (2010)
Microevolutionary dynamics of a macroevolutionary key innovation in a Lepidopteran herbivore. BMC Evolutionary Biology