Journal Article (45)

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Kanyile, S. N.; Engl, T.; Heddi, A.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Endosymbiosis allows Sitophilus oryzae to persist in dry conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1199370 (2023)
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Klank, J.; Protti-Sánchez, F.; Mora‑Rojas, P.; Rowland, H. M.; Stynoski, J. L.: How to move and when to escape: quantifying intraspecific exploratory and anti-predator behavior in an aposematic poison frog. Evolutionary Ecology 38, pp. 175 - 192 (2023)
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Kunert, M.; Langley, C.; Lucier, R.; Ploß, K.; Rodriguez Lopez, C. E.; Serna Guerrero, D. A.; Rothe, E.; O’Connor, S. E.; Sonawane, P. D.: Promiscuous CYP87A enzyme activity initiates cardenolide biosynthesis in plants. Nature Plants 9, pp. 1607 - 1617 (2023)
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Lawas, L. M. F.; Kamileen, M. O.; Buell, C. R.; O’Connor, S. E.; Leisner, C. P.: Transcriptome-based identification and functional characterization of iridoid synthase involved in monotropein biosynthesis in blueberry. Plant Direct 7 (7), e512 (2023)
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Li, Z.; Bhat, B.; Frank, E. T.; Oliveira-Honorato, T.; Azuma, F.; Bachmann, V.; Parker, D. J.; Schmitt, T.; Economo, E. P.; Ulrich, Y.: Behavioural individuality determines infection risk in clonal ant colonies. Nature Communications 14, 5233 (2023)
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Lu, H.-H.; Meents, A.; Fliegmann, J.; Hwang, M.-J.; Suen, C.-S.; Masch, D.; Felix, G.; Mithöfer, A.; Yeh, K.-W.: Identification of a damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) receptor and its cognate peptide ligand in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Plant, Cell and Environment 46 (8), pp. 2558 - 2574 (2023)
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Mazumdar, T.; Hänniger, S.; Shukla, S. P.; Murali, A.; Bartram, S.; Heckel, D. G.; Boland, W.: 8-HQA adjusts the number and diversity of bacteria in the gut microbiome of Spodoptera littoralis. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1075557 (2023)
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Oelmüller, R.; Tseng, Y.-H.; Gandhi, A.: Signals and their perception for remodelling, adjustment and repair of the plant cell wall. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (8), 7417 (2023)
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Pradhan, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: Argonaute7 (AGO7) optimizes arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal associations and enhances competitive growth in Nicotiana attenuata. New Phytologist 240 (1), pp. 382 - 398 (2023)
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Protti-Sánchez, F.; Mayer, U.; Rowland, H. M.: In paired preference tests, domestic chicks innately choose the colour green over red, and the shape of a frog over a sphere when both stimuli are green. Animal Cognition 26, pp. 1973 - 1983 (2023)
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Rubiano-Buitrago, P. A.; Pradhan, S.; Grabe, V.; Aceves-Aparicio, A.; Paetz, C.; Rowland, H. M.: Differential accumulation of cardenolides from Asclepias curassavica by large milkweed bugs does not correspond to availability in seeds or biological activity on the bug Na+/K+-ATPase. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1175205 (2023)
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Shin, N. R.; Okamura, Y.; Kirsch, R.; Pauchet, Y.: Genome sequencing provides insights into the evolution of gene families encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes in longhorned beetles. Insect Molecular Biology 32 (5), pp. 469 - 483 (2023)
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Shin, N. R.; Pauchet, Y.: First evidence of a horizontally-acquired GH-7 cellobiohydrolase from a longhorned beetle genome. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 114 (2), pp. 1 - 14 (2023)
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Stephan, P.; Langley, C.; Winkler, D.; Basquin, D. J.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.; Kries, D. H.: Gerichtete Evolution von Piperazinsäureeinbau durch eine Nichtribosomale Peptidsynthetase. Angewandte Chemie 135 (35), e202304843 (2023)
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Stephan, P.; Langley, C.; Winkler, D.; Basquin, J.; Caputi, L.; O’Connor, S. E.; Kries, H.: Directed evolution of piperazic acid incorporation by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (35), e202304843 (2023)
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