Publications of Felipe Yon
All genres
Journal Article (14)
Journal Article
258, 60 (2023)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence the intraspecific competitive ability of plants under field and glasshouse conditions. Planta 2020
Journal Article
103 (1), pp. 308 - 322 (2020)
ZEITLUPE facilitates the rhythmic movements of Nicotiana attenuata flowers. The Plant Journal 2019
Journal Article
100 (1), e02553 (2019)
Flower movement balances pollinator needs and pollen protection. Ecology
Journal Article
181 (1), pp. 305 - 318 (2019)
The clock gene TOC1 in shoots, not roots, determines fitness of Nicotiana attenuata under drought. Plant Physiology 2018
Journal Article
6, 19 (2018)
Floral trait variations among wild tobacco populations influence the foraging behavior of hawkmoth pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Journal Article
32 (1), pp. 136 - 149 (2018)
Herbivore-induced volatile blends with both "fast" and "slow" components provide robust indirect defence in nature. Functional Ecology 2017
Journal Article
59 (8), pp. 572 - 587 (2017)
Circadian clock component, LHY, tells a plant when to respond photosynthetically to light in nature. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Journal Article
59 (3), pp. 180 - 189 (2017)
Fitness consequences of altering floral circadian oscillations for Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Journal Article
59 (11), pp. 805 - 809 (2017)
Fitness consequences of a clock pollinator filter in Nicotiana attenuata flowers in nature. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Journal Article
27 (9), pp. 1336 - 1341 (2017)
Tissue-specific emission of (E)-a-bergamotene helps resolve the dilemma when pollinators are also herbivores. Current Biology 2016
Journal Article
5, e15039 (2016)
Hawkmoths evaluate scenting flowers with the tip of their proboscis. eLife
Journal Article
209 (3), pp. 1058 - 1066 (2016)
Silencing Nicotiana attenuata LHY and ZTL alters circadian rhythms in flowers. New Phytologist 2012
Journal Article
12, 172 (2012)
Identification and characterization of circadian clock genes in a native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology 2011
Journal Article
6 (10), p. e26214 (2011)
Tissue specific diurnal rhythms of metabolites and their regulation during herbivore attack in a native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. PLoS One Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Timing for outcrossing: Circadian clock regulates floral rhythms with large fitness consequences. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2014)