Admission as Doctoral Researcher

Publications of Maitree Pradhan

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Pradhan, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: Argonaute7 (AGO7) optimizes arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal associations and enhances competitive growth in Nicotiana attenuata. New Phytologist 240 (1), pp. 382 - 398 (2023)
Journal Article
Pradhan, M.; Rocha, C.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: microRNA390 modulates Nicotiana attenuata's tolerance response to Manduca sexta herbivory. Plant Direct 5 (10), e350 (2021)
Journal Article
Pradhan, M.; Pandey, P.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: Argonaute4 modulates resistance to Fusarium brachygibbosum infection by regulating jasmonic acid signaling. Plant Physiology 184 (2), pp. 1128 - 1152 (2020)
Journal Article
Pradhan, M.; Pandey, P.; Gase, K.; Shraff, M.; Singh, D. R. K.; Sethi, M. A.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: Argonaute 8 (AGO8) mediates the elicitation of direct defenses against herbivory. Plant Physiology 175 (2), pp. 927 - 946 (2017)

Preprint (1)

Baraniecka, P.; Gase, K.; Pradhan, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; McGale, E.; Valim, H.: QTL mapping in field plant populations reveals a genetic basis for frequency- and spatially-specific fungal pathosystem resistance. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Pradhan, M.: Understanding the regulatory basis of defense signaling in plants:The role of Argonautes in modulating defense responses in Nicotiana attenuata. Dissertation, 141 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2019)
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