Publications of Gerhard Schöfl
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Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
6 (3), 182050 (2019)
Within-population variability in a moth sex pheromone blend, part 2: selection towards fixation. Royal Society Open Science 2017
Journal Article
17, 68 (2017)
Genetic basis of allochronic differentiation in the fall armyworm. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011
Journal Article
101 (1), pp. 99 - 105 (2011)
Oviposition of diamondback moth in the presence and absence of a novel host plant. Bulletin of Entomological Research
Journal Article
101 (2), pp. 221 - 239 (2011)
Evidence for a quiet revolution: seasonal variation in colonies of the specialist tansy aphid, Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kaltenbach) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) studied using microsatellite markers. Bulletin of Entomological Research
Journal Article
104 (4), pp. 838 - 865 (2011)
Stay at home aphids: comparative spatial and seasonal metapopulation structure and dynamics of two specialist tansy aphid species studied using microsatellite markers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Journal Article
177 (4), pp. 470 - 485 (2011)
Allochronic separation vs. mate-choice: nonrandom patterns of mating between fall armyworm host-strains. American Naturalist 2010
Journal Article
35 (s1), pp. 105 - 118 (2010)
The roles and interactions of reproductive isolation mechanisms in fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) host strains. Ecological Entomology 2009
Journal Article
22, pp. 1447 - 1459 (2009)
Time-shifted reproductive behaviours among fall armyworm (Noctuidae: Spodoptera frugiperda) host strains: evidence for differing modes of inheritance. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2008
Journal Article
5, 20 (2008)
Host strain specific sex pheromone variation in Spodoptera frugiperda. Frontiers in Zoology