International Max Planck Research School "Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems"

Publikationen von Jürgen C. Wierz

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Wierz, J. C.; Dirksen, P.; Kirsch, R.; Krüsemer, R.; Weiss, B.; Pauchet, Y.; Engl, T.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Intracellular symbiont Symbiodolus is vertically transmitted and widespread across insect orders. The ISME Journal 18 (1), wrae099 (2024)
Wierz, J. C.; Gimmel, M. L.; Huthmacher, S.; Engl, T.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Evolutionary history of tyrosine-supplementing endosymbionts in pollen-feeding beetles. The ISME Journal 18 (1), wrae080 (2024)
Ganesan, R.; Wierz, J. C.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Flórez, L. V.: How it all begins: Bacterial factors mediating the colonization of invertebrate hosts by beneficial symbionts. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 86 (4), S. 1 - 21 (2022)
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