Publications of Mariana Stanton
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
211 (1), pp. 113 - 125 (2016)
Plant-mediated pheromone emission by a hemipteran seed feeder increases the apparency of an unreliable but rewarding host. New Phytologist 2014
Journal Article
8 (12), e27570 (2014)
Silencing ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase expression does not disrupt nitrogen allocation to defense after simulated herbivory in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2013
Journal Article
75 (3), pp. 417 - 429 (2013)
Quantification of growth-defense trade-offs in a common currency: nitrogen required for phenolamide biosynthesis is not derived from ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase turnover. The Plant Journal 2012
Journal Article
11 (10), pp. 4947 - 4960 (2012)
Determination of 15N-incorporation into plant proteins and their absolute quantitation: a new tool to study nitrogen flux dynamics and protein pool sizes elicited by plant-herbivore interactions. Journal of Proteome Research Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Coping with ephemeral resources and unpredictable hosts: nitrogen allocation in the post-fire annual Nicotiana attenuata, and a plant-specific pheromone used by its seed predator Corimelaena extensa. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2014)