Research Group Plant Defense Physiology
Plants efficiently interact with their (a)biotic environment. They are able to recognize changes and react properly. The interactions with and reaction to insect herbivores is of our particular interest. We address the following questions: How are plants able to recognize an attack? How do they initiate local and systemic defenses? What is the nature of the defense reactions? What is the basis of plant-plant communication?

In plants, the molecular basis of the processes that are initiated upon an herbivorous insect attack is still not known. We propose that chemical signals such as herbivore- or damage-associated molecular patterns (HAMPs/DAMPs) are perceived by the plant and induce downstream signaling cascades that eventually mediate local and systemic defense reactions in distant tissues. Beyond such communication within the plant, the communication between neighboring plants is of special interest. The role of electrical signals, intracellular calcium concentration changes, phytohormones, and volatiles as signaling features that might be involved in such regulation processes is under investigation. Moreover, we analyze the contribution of wounding to the process of defense induction by employing the mechanical larva, Mecworm. Beside Arabidopsis, we work on the crop sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas).
Carnivorous Plants

In another project we are studying the „plant carnivorous syndrome“ in the pitcher plant Nepenthes. Although well-known and often described in literature and textbooks, the biochemistry and molecular biology of carnivory in plants are not well understood. To learn more about this fascinating phenomenon, we study the digestive process and its regulation. Our results suggest that plant carnivory evolved from plant defense.
Collaboration partners
Dr. Eric G. Cosio
Universidad Católica del Peru
Lima, Peru
Dr. Jyothilashmi Vadassery
National Institute of Plant Genome Research
New Delhi, India
Dr. Alexandra Furch & Dr. Matthias R. Zimmermann
Plant Physiology
FS University Jena, Germany
Prof. Dr. Christoph-Martin Geilfus
Soil Science & Plant Nutrition
Hochschule Geisenheim, Germany
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hedrich
Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology and Biophysics
University of Würzburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ralf Oelmüller
Plant Physiology
FS University Jena, Germany
Prof. Dr. Edgar Peiter
University Halle
Halle/Saale, Germany
Dr. Andrej Pavlovic
Dept Biophysics, Palacky-University
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Dr. Marcia González-Teuber
Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile
Dr. Laura Jaakola
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsö, Norway
Former group members
Pierre-Jean Malé
Post Doc (July 2018 - June 2019), France
Marilia Almeida Trapp
Post Doc (December 2016 - November 2018), Brazil
Angela Menegassi
Post Doc (September 2015 - August 2016), Brazil
Jyothilakshmi Vadassery
Post Doc (January 2010 - November 2014), India
Doctoral researchers
Andrea Teresa Müller
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in February 2024
Alberto X. Dávila-Lara
Finished his Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in July 2022
Anja K. Meents
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in July 2022
Monika Heyer
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in November 2019
Ayufu Yilamujiang (Ilham Ayup)
Finished his Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in August 2017
Sandra Scholz
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in November 2015
Franziska Buch
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in April 2015
Sandy Rottloff
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in April 2012
Heiko Maischak
Finished his Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in January 2010
Margit Leitner
Finished her Ph.D. at the FSU Jena in November 2007
Agnes Walter
Finished her Ph.D. at the LMU München in May 2007
Diploma, master, bachelor & students
Kilian Ossetek
Finished his Master Thesis at the FSU Jena in March 2024
Md Asifur Rahman Soad
Finished his Master Thesis at the FSU in July 2021
Anindya Majumder
Finished his Master Thesis at the FSU in February 2020
Robert Nissler
Finished his Master Thesis at the FSU Jena in December 2016
Anja Meents
Finished her Master Thesis at the University Konstanz in August 2016
Marietheres Jaeger
Finished her Bachelor Thesis at the FSU Jena in March 2016
Monika Heyer
Finished her Diploma Thesis at the FSU Jena in June 2011
Matthias Rott
Finished his Diploma Thesis at the University Bonn in Sep 2009
Tobias Nehrdich
Finished his Diploma Thesis at the FSU Jena in Nov 2008
Sandy Rottloff
Finished her Diploma Thesis at the FSU Jena in March 2006
Regina Stieber
Finished her Diploma Thesis at the Fachhochschule Jena in Jan 2006
Deepak, S.
Guest Ph.D. Student (Dec 2005 – May 2006) from Mysore University, India
Gezimar De Souza
Guest Ph.D. Student (Sep 2006 – May 2007) from University of Sao Carlos, Brasil
Matthias R. Zimmermann
Guest Ph.D. Student (Sep 2008 – Feb 2009) from Justus-Liebig University Gießen
Mario Fabrizi
Guest Ph.D. Student (Mar 2009 – Jul 2009) from University of Perugia, Italy
Josef Večeřa
Guest Ph.D. Student (May 2010 – Aug 2010) from University of Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic
Marko Petek
Guest Ph.D. Student (April 2010 – Oct 2010) from National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marilia Almeida Trapp
Guest Ph.D. Student (April 2013 - Mar 2014) from Federal University Sao Carlos, Brazil
Jeremy Dehors
Guest Master Student (April 2015 - Aug 2015) from University Rouen, France
Dr. Mukesh Meena
Guest Scientist (April 2016 - June 2017) from NIPGR, New Delhi, India
Jaiana Malabarba
Guest Ph.D. Student (Aug 2016 - July 2017) from Fed. Univ. Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Deepika Mittal
Guest Ph.D. Student (Mar 2017 - May 2017) from NIPGR, New Delhi, India
Lucia G. Barriga
Guest Ph.D. Student (Oct 2017 - Dec 2017) from University Buenos Aires, Argentina
Valeria de Rosa
Guest Master Student (Erasmus) (May/June 2018) from University of Udine, Italy
Dr. Laura Pagliari
Guest Scientist (Dec 2019 - Mar 2020) from University of Udine, Italy
Jana Jakšová
Guest Ph.D. Student (July 2020 - Sep 2020) from Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Dr. Sheng-Zhuo Huang
Guest Scientist (Aug 2022 - Feb 2023) from Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou, China
Maryam Alipour
Guest Ph.D. Student (Dec 2022 - May 2023) from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
Moniba Zahid Mahmood
Guest Ph.D. Student (Oct 2022 - June 2023) from COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Shraddha Wadurkar
Guest Ph.D. Student (Aug 2021 - June 2023) from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
Christianne Mae Dela Cruz
Guest Master Student (June 2022 - Aug 2022 & June 2023 to Sep 2023) from Midanao State Univbersity, Iligan Institute of Technolgy, Philippines