Photo: Sebastian Reuter

Publications of Karla Tolzin-Banasch

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Tolzin-Banasch, K.; Dagvadorj, E.; Sammer, U.; Kunert, M.; Kirsch, R.; Ploss, K.; Pasteels, J.M.; Boland, W.: Glucose and glucose esters in the larval secretion of Chrysomela lapponica: Selectivity of the glucoside import system from host plant leaves. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37 (2), pp. 195 - 204 (2011)
Journal Article
Burse, A.; Frick, S.; Discher, S.; Tolzin-Banasch, K.; Kirsch, R.; Strauß, A.; Kunert, M.; Boland, W.: Always being well prepared for defense: The production of deterrents by juvenile Chrysomelina beetles (Chrysomelidae). Phytochemistry 70 (15-16), pp. 1899 - 1909 (2009)
Journal Article
Discher, S.; Burse, A.; Tolzin-Banasch, K.; Heinemann, S. H.; Pasteels, J. M.; Boland, W.: A versatile transport network for sequestering and excreting plant glycosides in leaf beetles provides an evolutionary flexible defense strategy. Chembiochem 10 (13), pp. 2223 - 2229 (2009)
Journal Article
Kunert, M.; Søe, A. R. B.; Bartram, S.; Pasteels, J.; Discher, S.; Tolzin-Banasch, K.; Nie, L.; David, A.; Boland, W.: De novo biosynthesis versus sequestration: a network of transport systems in leaf beetle larvae supports both modes for the production of iridoid defenses. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38 (10), pp. 895 - 904 (2008)
Journal Article
Kuhn, J.; Pettersson, E. M.; Feld, B. K.; Nie, L. H.; Tolzin-Banasch, K.; M'rabet, S. M.; Pasteels, J.; Boland, W.: Sequestration of plant-derived phenolglucosides by larvae of the leaf beetle Chrysomela lapponica: thioglucosides as mechanistic probes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33 (1), pp. 5 - 24 (2007)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Tolzin-Banasch, K.: Wehrchemie in Blattkäfern: Aufklärung eines neuen Acylierungskomplexes in Insekten am Beispiel von Chrysomela lapponica. Dissertation, 138 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2009)
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