Photo: Anna Schroll

Publications of Dorothea Tholl

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Huang, M.; Abel, C.; Sohrabi, R.; Petri, J.; Haupt, I.; Cosimano, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Tholl, D.: Variation of herbivore-induced volatile terpenes among Arabidopsis ecotypes depends on allelic differences and subcellular targeting of two terpene synthases, TPS02 and TPS03. Plant Physiology 153 (3), pp. 1293 - 1310 (2010)
Journal Article
Abel, C.; Clauss, M.; Schaub, A.; Gershenzon, J.; Tholl, D.: Floral and insect-induced volatile formation in Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea, a perennial, outcrossing relative of A. thaliana. Planta 230 (1), pp. 1 - 11 (2009)
Journal Article
Herde, M.; Gärtner, K.; Köllner, T.; Fode, B.; Boland, W.; Gershenzon, J.; Gatz, C.; Tholl, D.: Identification and regulation of TPS04/GES, an Arabidopsis geranyllinalool synthase catalyzing the first step in the formation of the insect-induced volatile C16-homoterpene TMTT. The Plant Cell 20 (4), pp. 1152 - 1168 (2008)
Journal Article
Tholl, D.; Boland, W.; Hansel, A.; Loreto, F.; Röse, U. S. R.; Schnitzler, J.-P.: Practical approaches to plant volatile analysis. The Plant Journal 45 (4), pp. 540 - 560 (2006)
Journal Article
Tholl, D.; Chen, F.; Petri, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Pichersky, E.: Two sesquiterpene synthases are responsible for the complex mixture of sesquiterpenes emitted from Arabidopsis flowers. The Plant Journal 42 (5), pp. 757 - 771 (2005)
Journal Article
Chen, F.; Ro, D. K.; Petri, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Bohlmann, J.; Pichersky, E.; Tholl, D.: Characterization of a root-specific Arabidopsis terpene synthase responsible for the formation of the volatile monoterpene 1,8-cineole. Plant Physiology 135 (4), pp. 1956 - 1966 (2004)
Journal Article
Tholl, D.; Kish, C. M.; Orlova, I.; Sherman, D.; Gershenzon, J.; Pichersky, E.; Dudareva, N.: Formation of monoterpenes in Antirrhinum majus and Clarkia breweri flowers involves heterodimeric geranyl diphosphate synthases. The Plant Cell 16 (4), pp. 977 - 992 (2004)
Journal Article
Chen, F.; D'Auria, J.; Tholl, D.; Ross, J. R.; Gershenzon, J.; Noel, J. P.; Pichersky, E.: An Arabidopsis thaliana gene for methylsalicylate biosynthesis, identified by a biochemical genomics approach, has a role in defense. The Plant Journal 36 (5), pp. 577 - 588 (2003)
Journal Article
Chen, F.; Tholl, D.; D'Auria, J.; Farooq, A.; Pichersky, E.; Gershenzon, J.: Biosynthesis and emission of terpenoid volatiles from Arabidopsis flowers. The Plant Cell 15 (2), pp. 481 - 494 (2003)
Journal Article
Martin, D.; Tholl, D.; Gershenzon, J.; Bohlmann, J.: Methyl jasmonate induces traumatic resin ducts, terpenoid resin biosynthesis, and terpenoid accumulation in developing xylem of Norway spruce stems. Plant Physiology 129 (3), pp. 1003 - 1018 (2002)
Journal Article
Tholl, D.; Croteau, R.; Gershenzon, J.: Partial purification and characterization of the short-chain prenyltransferases, geranyl diphosphate synthase and farnesyl diphosphate synthase, from Abies grandis (grand fir). Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 386 (2), pp. 233 - 242 (2001)
Journal Article
Kaiser, A.; Vollmert, M.; Tholl, D.; Graves, M. V.; Gurnon, J. R.; Xing, W. M.; Lisec, A. D.; Nickerson, K. W.; Etten, V.: Chlorella virus PBCV-1 encodes a functional homospermidine synthase. Virology 263 (1), pp. 254 - 262 (1999)
Journal Article
Tholl, D.; Harms, R.; Ludwig, A.; Kaiser, A.: Retarded growth of an Escherichia coli mutant deficient in spermidine synthase can be unspecifically repaired by addition of various polyamines. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 14 (6), pp. 857 - 863 (1998)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Tholl, D.; Chen, F.; Gershenzon, J.; Pichersky, E.: Arabidopsis thaliana, a model system for investigating volatile terpene biosynthesis, regulation, and function. In: Secondary Metabolism in Model Systems, pp. 1 - 18 (Ed. Romeo, J. T.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004)
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