Board of Trustees

Publications of Latha Mukunda

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Mukunda, L.; Miazzi, F.; Sargsyan, V.; Hansson, B. S.; Wicher, D.: Calmodulin affects sensitization of Drosophila melanogaster odorant receptors. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 10, 28 (2016)
Journal Article
Mukunda, L.; Lavista Llanos, S.; Hansson, B. S.; Wicher, D.: Dimerisation of the Drosophila odorant co-receptor Orco. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 8, 261 (2014)
Journal Article
Mukunda, L.; Miazzi, F.; Kaltofen, S.; Hansson, B. S.; Wicher, D.: Calmodulin modulates insect odorant receptor function. Cell Calcium 55, pp. 191 - 199 (2014)
Journal Article
Nolte, A.; Funk, N.W.; Mukunda, L.; Gawalek, P.; Werckenthin, A.; Gawalek, P.; Hansson, B.; Wicher, D.; Stengl, M.: In situ tip-recordings found no evidence for an Orco-based ionotropic mechanism of pheromone-transduction in Manduca sexta. PLoS One 8 (5), e62648 (2013)
Journal Article
Stensmyr, M. C.; Dweck, H.; Farhan, A.; Ibba, I.; Strutz, A.; Mukunda, L.; Linz, J.; Grabe, V.; Steck, K.; Lavista Llanos, S. et al.; Wicher, D.; Sachse, S.; Knaden, M.; Becher, P. G.; Seki, Y.; Hansson, B.: A conserved dedicated olfactory circuit for detecting harmful microbes in Drosophila. Cell 151 (6), pp. 1345 - 1357 (2012)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Mukunda, L.: Function and regulation of insect olfactory receptors. Dissertation, 124 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2014)
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